A Rocky Landing

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Lily and Alexander arrived in Paris, stepping off the plane into the bustling Charles de Gaulle Airport. The air was thick with the scent of fresh croissants and the lively chatter of people speaking French. Lily's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the sights and sounds, while Alexander remained stoic and detached, his thoughts already on his upcoming meetings.

As they rode in a taxi to their hotel, Lily couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "I can't believe we're in Paris! There's so much I want to see and do. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre-Dame... It's all so amazing!"

Alexander glanced at her, his expression indifferent. "I have meetings tomorrow," he said flatly, turning his gaze back to his phone. "We'll see what we can fit in around my schedule."

Lily's excitement dimmed slightly, but she tried to stay positive. "Maybe we can go out tonight? Just for a little while? I'd love to see the city lights."

Alexander sighed, not looking up from his phone. "We'll see," he said, his tone dismissive. "I have a lot of work to catch up on."

As they reached the hotel, a luxurious establishment with ornate decor and a grand entrance, Lily felt a mix of awe and unease. She was thrilled to be in such a beautiful place, but Alexander's cold demeanor cast a shadow over her joy.

Once in their room, Lily started unpacking, trying to keep the mood light. "I brought a guidebook," she said, pulling it out of her bag. "Maybe we can look through it together and plan some fun things to do?"

Alexander barely glanced at her. "I have a conference call in an hour," he said, loosening his tie and heading for his laptop. "You can go out if you want. I'll be busy."

Lily's heart sank. She had hoped this trip might bring them closer, but it seemed Alexander was as distant as ever. "Okay," she said quietly, turning back to her suitcase. "Maybe I'll explore a bit on my own then."

Alexander didn't respond, already engrossed in his work. Lily sighed, feeling a mixture of disappointment and determination. She wouldn't let his coldness ruin her experience in Paris. She would find a way to enjoy the city, even if she had to do it alone.

After a while, Lily changed into a comfortable yet stylish outfit, determined to make the most of her time. She grabbed her guidebook and camera, giving Alexander one last glance. "I'll be back later," she said, hoping for a reaction.

"Have fun," was all he said, without looking up.

Lily walked out of the room, her heart heavy but her resolve firm. She was in the city of love, and even if Alexander wasn't interested in exploring it with her, she would still find joy in its beauty and charm. As she stepped onto the streets of Paris, she felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this trip could still bring them closer together, or at least help her find some happiness in the midst of their strained relationship.

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