Visitors Part 2

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Jooyeon reached out to Jiseok to inquire about whether he had shared his dreams with Seungmin. Jiseok revealed that he had not yet spoken to Seungmin but intended to do so soon. Jooyeon jokingly warned Jiseok not to frighten Seungmin, prompting Jiseok to playfully question if he truly appeared intimidating. Jooyeon continued to banter with Jiseok, teasing him about his supposed scary demeanor, to which Jiseok responded with an exasperated "ugh." Jooyeon then wished Jiseok good luck in his conversation with Seungmin.

Jiseok arrived at Casa Oh-Kwak with the intention of visiting Seungmin, but upon ringing the doorbell, he was surprised to be greeted by the twins instead.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Minhyuk asked as he scanned Jiseok from head to toe.

"I'm here to visit Seungmin," Jiseok replied calmly.

"What's with men visiting Seungmin oppa?" Hanni muttered while scratching her head, while Jiseok heard her and shrugged. They went inside and waited for Seungmin.

"Seungmin oppa, you have a visitor again!" Hanni shouted.

"Who is it?" Seungmin replied.

Hanni announced the arrival of Jiseok, prompting Seungmin to make his way downstairs to welcome their guest. Upon reaching Jiseok, Seungmin exchanged pleasantries and engaged in conversation with him.

"What brings you here?" Seungmin asked curiously.

"Can we talk privately?" Jiseok said, and Seungmin nodded and led the way to the balcony of the house.

Jiseok gazed out at the balcony, lost in thought as he spoke, "Lately, I've been having this recurring dream that feels strangely connected to you. It's like there's a mysterious link between us that I can't quite explain." As he continued to ponder the significance of his dream, Jiseok couldn't shake the feeling that it held some deeper meaning, a message waiting to be deciphered.

Seungmin spoke in a calm manner as he mentioned, "Is this about you getting scolded by your dad? Then we talked in my room while I was comforting you and asked for a favor from you to take care of my younger siblings."

Jiseok was taken aback by Seungmin's accurate description and couldn't help but wonder how he knew about it. He began to question if the house they were in had somehow triggered his memories, allowing him to remember details from his past life. "Wait, how did you know about that?" Jiseok exclaimed, his astonishment evident as he gazed at Seungmin.

"Maybe. When did you start dreaming about this?" Seungmin asked.

Jiseok recounted how, after his visit to the location, it mysteriously manifested in his dreams that very night, with Seungmin acknowledging his words with a nod of understanding.

"It's quite peculiar that not only myself, but Jooyeon as well, have both had dreams about you. And what's even more strange is that you have also been dreaming about the same thing." Jiseok elaborated on the unusual occurrence.

"Very unusual indeed. Do you want to eat lunch with us?" Seungmin extended an invitation to join them for lunch, which Jiseok accepted with a smile and a nod.

Then Jiseok tweeted, "Could it be our lives are connected through dreams or something? Or would these dreams help me remember my past life? I honestly don't know."

Hanni tweeted, "For two consecutive days, some men are coming into our house, oof."

Seungmin apprehensively tweeted, "This is getting out of hand."

After Seungmin's tweet caught Jungsu's attention, he reached out to him via message, expressing concern. "Are you okay, Seungminnie?" Seungmin then revealed that Jiseok had been experiencing dreams about his past life. This came as a surprise to Jungsu, who engaged in a conversation with Seungmin about the matter. Seungmin went on to explain that Jiseok had recently visited him, sparking memories of his past life. Jungsu acknowledged the unexpected turn of events and suggested that perhaps Jiseok was beginning to remember. Seungmin admitted that this situation was troubling for him, as he feared the possibility of history repeating itself. He expressed his dilemma about Jooyeon, whom he couldn't force to reciprocate his feelings, while Jiseok often flirted with him. Jungsu inquired about Seungmin's struggle in choosing between the two, to which Seungmin responded with uncertainty. Jungsu advised him to prioritize his own happiness and not to push anyone out of his life. Seungmin confessed that the decision was difficult for him. When asked about Jiseok's feelings towards him, Seungmin confessed to being unsure due to Jiseok's flirtatious behavior. Jungsu encouraged Seungmin to let things unfold naturally and not rush into a decision.

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