i've returned

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uhm... hello?

it's been a WHILE. but i'm back. i kinda forgot about this account totally 😬

let me say my reasons for coming back:

1. i'm going to edit these imagines and improve them a lil bit, if u have read these imagines before PLEASE let me clarify i was THIRTEEN YEARS OLD at the time of writing these in my peak cringy era.

2. i think it's time i started writing again, my creative mind is bouncing back and forth with ideas at the moment so i need to get them out.

3. writing has always been a passion of mine and i don't think i can let go of it forever.

4. these imagines were a TURNING POINT in my life, literally the only thing i focused on at one point.

a little while ago i also had a story i published on this account that i TOOK DOWN and i'm so MAD ABOUT IT. i would have loved to re-live it but i guess younger me had other plans.

i will not be writing fan-fiction for five hargreeves anymore as it would be kinda weird considering i'm older now 😰 i'll be writing fan-fiction for older characters.

i'll only be editing these imagines so that all the girls in the same position i was in years ago can enjoy them.

the quality of my writing back then was SHIT. and i'm so embarrassed by it but my umbrella academy era is so sentimental to me that i just can't bring myself to delete or unpublish them.

so that's all i have to say for now but i'll update u guys when i'm planning on publishing the story i've got cooking in the oven 😼


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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