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The rain battered outside of Jade Mountain Academy, as if it demanded retribution to the dragons who bathed in the sanctuary of shelter in the academy's library.

2 dark dragons frantically weaved through the maze of bookshelves, disappearing into the shadows and reappearing every while

"It can't be so soon, Fatespeaker can you find it" One of the dark dragons said, holding a few scrolls. He wore a bandage that covered his blind eyes, but he recognised every scroll, every step of the huge library. "I found it," the other dragon, her scales hinted with a twinge of vibrant purple, slivers of silver sparkled under the dim lamps like a night sky full of stars. She pulled out a scroll embedded with Topazes and Rubies on its cover. Blowing off the dust that had been built up over centuries, she slammed it on the table. The other dragon squeezed in next to her

"Starflight!" Another voice called, he whirled around, agitated as he tried to figure out the voice. "Tsunami?" A sapphire blue Seawing, drenched by the rain stormed into the library. She was followed by a small yellow Sandwing, a limping mudwing, and a rainwing. "We got the news, what is this "Event?" Sunny, the yellow sandwing panted. "We are still not sure, according to this scroll," He gestured at the scroll (or at least he tried to) "it happens every period or era" Starflight panted, pushing a stack of scrolls neatly into a corner. "Well then open it out Scrollworm" Tsunami, the seawing hissed. Starflight gave her a pained look before opening the book.

"Fatespeaker, my dear please"

"okay, here we go"

She took a deep breath and unravelled the century old scroll

"Like everything in this world, what begins will find itself end again

A red star crosses the horizon, awakening the one from the deep

his fantasies that chain death's reign

whose scales holds power that will soon bleed, under the eclipse

should he surrender to disbelief

 another loss the earth shall grief

free us all"

Fatespeaker gingerly closed the scroll, "That was helpful..." She muttered. Tsunami scowled at them," So i came all this way, to only find A POEM?" She smashed a table, sending splinters and paper flying everywhere

"Tsunami calm down maybe it could be helpful" Clay, the mudwing placed a paw on her shoulder. She shrugged it off annoyingly. "A red star..." Sunny, "I mean there was a red shooting star, that is not something you see everyday right?" Optimistic. "Sure sure but we don't even have enough evidence to know whether this 'event' will happen, let alone decipher it" scowling she slapped her tail into a bookshelf, almost knocking it over before barging out through the exit

Starflight sighed before picking up the scrolls and disappearing behind a shelf

"what happened to her, she seems to be more bossy and agitated" Fatespeaker whispered to sunny

"She became a mother not too long ago, and raising 3 dragonets, running a school and attending to seawing royalty must have exhausting..."

A flash of guild spread across Fatespeaker's snout, "I am sorry to hear that"

"Yeah me too" Sunny picked up the scrolls on the floor, "Maybe it's not a prophecy, maybe it is just a coincidence?" Fatespeaker's face twisted into a mic of anger and panic

"just a coincidence? SUNNY, It's not everyday you see a red star flying by and the history says it signals another era ending!" Fatespeaker snarled

Sunny jumped back in fright, sadness twinkled in her eyes. Fatespeaker slapped her snout and shook groggily, "I am sorry I am just..." She clutched her temples harder. Sunny wrapped a wing around her, " It's okay, maybe you just need some rest" 

That was when Starflight appeared, "So... no prophecy or prophecy..."

Sunny placed her talons on his shoulder, "I don't think so, it is not even a millennia yet" Sunny smiled. "Well I am hungry, you want to go out for a midnight snack? A cow or two?" Clay started dreaming of cows and he licked his lips hungrily

Sunny nudged him playfully, "Clay!" She giggled

As the three walked out of the messy chaotic room called the library, the words of the scroll soon turned red, blood-like liquid started leaking everywhere, like undried inking written on paper as a new line formed on the scroll

Oh sweet roses of blood, another era has bitten the dust

before the scroll slowly faded into black ashes. 

The test of faith have just begun

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