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I heard voices, my ears were still ringing in pain. It was as if I was underwater, I tried to make out the voices but could only hear a splatter of words. "Comet... he.... out, red... star" "what do you... mean... shooting..." The light pressed against my eyes. I forced my eyes open, and my eyes seared in pain. 

"The prophecy, we have...  to stop.. it" I slurred as my vision focussed

"COMET!" cold scales wrapped around me, sending a cooling wave through me. Waterfall started tearing," YOU SCARED ME, ARE YOU OKAY?" She cried

My eyes adjusted to the bright surroundings, I was on a rocky bed laid with a lot of leaves, Sunny and Clay all looked at me worriedly. an awkward silence hung the air, "Ehem" Tsunami cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "First of all, YOU WERE PAST YOUR CURFEW..." Tsunami glared daggers at us, my heart sank. Waterfall pulled me closer, "AND MY DAUGHTER AS WELL, MAY I KNOW WHAT YOU WERE DOING??? NOT MAKING EGGS I SUPPOSE...." "Tsu..." Sunny nudged her hard, Tsunami hissed at her. Waterfall's face turned so red, her snout was maroon. Tsunami sighed,

"Second... Comet are you okay? What happened?" "The prophecy, I..." The screaming dragons flashed into my head again, giving me a chill. "what?" sunny looked at me with her big beady eyes.

I hesitated before I exhaled, "there was a red star, and then I saw..."

I filled them in about the vision I saw, the dying dragons, the huge monstrous planet that ate ours

All the dragons leaned in, curious. "A planet from outer space, eating up ours..."

"A planet eating ours?" Tsunami cocked her head, clearly confused "And we clearly didn't see the red star, we were in the office". "How did it look like?" Sunny asked. "It was a black planet and rings and... and..." I started trailing off

The teachers exchanged glances with one another. "Maybe it was dehydration, hallucinations happen when your dehydrated" Clay suggested, grabbing his cow and stuffing it in

"No it wasn't, I drank a lot of water" Comet pleaded

"A dragonet spilling fantasies, how cute" Tsunami grumbled before leaving

"NO LISTEN TO ME" Comet cried

"Wait up Tsunami" Half-eating his cow meal and calling out to her

Clay hurried out of the room with his friend

Sunny turned to leave too but Comet grabbed her talon

"Please Sunny, you believed in prophecy didn't you? Please... the era might end"

Sunny shifted uncomfortably, before she knelt down next to me. "I am sorry Comet, Maybe when I was younger, I loved adventure and wanted to stop prophecies." She quietly spoke, "I am an adult now, and I am almost a mother" She revealed a bulge in her stomach, indicated that she was pregnant. She peeled off my talons and started striding off

"Please don't" Comet cried out

"I am sorry," She forced a smile before leaving, a nurse pulled sunny into a discussion before breaking off again

"You are discharged, you may leave" The nurse snorted, pushing the cart of medical supplies out

Comet was barely paying attention, his mind was torn between panic and despair. "What if it was an actual prophecy?" Comet frantically thought. His 2 year older senior, Moonwatcher had many visions and all of them turned out true, but...

she was a nightwing

Comet looked at his snow white Ice wing scales reflecting off a blue glow as black scales dot here and there

his wrists were pulsating a dark blue and transparent white, like the northern lights against the dark sky. Comet was a tribrid, his mother who supposedly was a Icewing-Nightwing hybrid had eggs with a silkwing

Suddenly Waterfall grabbed his shoulder, He completely forgot her presence

"Let's go back to our winglet" She pulled me out of the leafy bed. We checked out and headed straight back to our winglet, the amethyst winglet

Classes just ended and a cluster of dragons stampeded through the halls of Jade mountain academy. He caught sight of some of the older dragons; He saw Qibli wall-slamming Moon, supposedly it was a dare because he saw Winter and hailstorm chuckling and laughing away; he saw Kinkajou and Turtle walking to another class together; He saw a brawl happening at another turn, a seawing and a Hivewing, Blue and Cricket walked away quickly, both giggling madly

Waterfall pulled me into another turn and we were back in our winglet, A Skywing, Mudwing, and Hivewing played a game of cards on the top bunk, while a leafwing snored soundly on another bed

Waterfall dragged me into her bed and sat next to me, an awkward silence hanging in the air. "Oh you are back Scroll roach" The friendly (Or at least he thought) Skywing, Hurricane suddenly snickered, "Where were you two the entire night? Making eggs?" The Hivewing, Honeycomb and the Mudwing, Mangrove stiffled their laughter

Waterfall glared at them before pouncing on to their bunk, " What's you problem?" She scowled

"I don't know, maybe you really are having eggs" She snickered again, nudging her stomach

The top bunk became a mess as the duo playfully fought, sending cards flying everywhere. Clamours and shouts echoed throughout the room and it was added on when the leafwing suddenly jumped awake

"SHUT UP" Hissing, Her name is Flytrap

I was grateful to end up in a winglet so playful, others were either just arguing or fighting really badly among themselves

but being the only male dragon felt overwhelming (That year's gender ratio was severely imbalanced)

I laid down on Waterfall's bed, trying to focus on what the prophecies had said. as the ladies argued and fought.

"A dragon whose scales bled power, under the darkest day", "An end of an era", "Let the fantasies thrive"

I jumbled with the words and tried to make out possibilities, "A dragon whose scales bled power under the darkest day..."

Does it mean the solar eclipse? It was happening tomorrow and the whole school was going to watch it. But who is the dragon?

"An end of an era?" Turning to my small scroll shelf, I pulled out one about the history of these weird creatures called Dianosawrs (Dinosaurs) They looked really similar to us, but when the fireball or that meatyoright (meteorite) smashed the earth, most of them went extinct.

It was then followed by a snowy age called the ice age. Maybe that's how eras end an begin

"Let the fantasies thrive..." I thought of different fantasies, but decided to think about to futures instead (Because that's what other dragons think about)

A fantasy where I grow up to be a strong dragon?

A fantasy where I grow up and serve a queen?

A fantasy where I had eggs with Waterfa-

I suddenly blushed, pushing the thought away. There is no way we will be together, we are just friends...

I felt funny all of the sudden, but pushed it away too and continued focusing


Before long, I dozed off, the scroll gently settling on my lap

Wings Of Fire: Past the HorizonWhere stories live. Discover now