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Before I knew it, everything exploded into chaos around me. Dragonets suddenly raced towards the sound, curious of what had happened

Suddenly, a sandwing barreled into the crowd, knocking me in the side. A huge path way cleared as the sandwing ploughed

"MOON!" The sandwing cried out, the shape of the dragonet was more visible now, a nightwing was clutching her temples as the sandwing cradled her

Moonwatcher and Qibli

I turned to help them, a dragonet pushing past me. What's ur proble-" but I was immediately taken aback when I saw his snout

It was gashed, and his face was plae as the eclipse itself. His eyes were pure white, with black blood vessels creeping the fringes of his eyeballs

His face was half gone, the left side of his temple slowly faded into ashes, his skin was cracked black

He looked like a desaturated undead from a nightmare

My vision suddenly glitched, his face turning back to normal. I panted, traumatised by what I saw.

It wasn't just that dragon. The dragonets around me started to look like him, torn, cracked, and fading

They glitched back and forth, reverting to normal and back into their undead forms. My heart thumped in my ears.

Out of all the screams and shouts, I suddenly heard a chilling and cold voice

Don't let the others get to him

For some weird reason, the voice was so clear to me

Let the fantasies thrive

Suddenly, I saw myself holding out my palms, bloody and bruised

Only the one whose scales bleed power and his mind soars the sky can save the tribes

All the dragons suddenly looked at me, their faces pale and ghostly

A fantasy that lies beyond the line

The surroundings were starting to get darker. I could hear Qibli Screaming Moon's name

A thought that no dragon has ventured
A faith that surpasses the depths of the universe

Drowning in the black sea, on the bloodiest night.
Should he find the powers to alter time

Behind the walls, behind the sky
And change the past, to save lives

And everything suddenly turned back to normal. I was standing there on my talons, watching everyone crowd around moon, who was asleep

The moon had already passed the sun, reflecting a vibrant mixture of colours of green, grey, and yellow throughout the terrain

What was that

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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