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"Wake up Comet" "Wakey wakey"

I groaned and dug deeper into the bed, wanting to escape that infuriating voice. Suddenly I felt a breath against my cheeks

"I am sleeping next to you"

My eyes shot open, hot blood rushed through my veins. I quickly turned around, accidentally touching snouts with Waterfall

"Oh umm" Waterfall's eyes suddenly became big, her snout flushing red

"uhhh Good morning?" I chuckled nervously, forcing every single muscle in my body to stop moving

We both gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment, inspecting each other like priceless artifacts

I can't help admire her beautiful Seawing face, her ocean blue eyes staring into mine. "oh my moons, I-" We turned to look at Honeycomb, she covered her face in her talons, wishing she did not see the mess we were in

"I wish I did not see th- I didnt see anythi- SO uhh- ye uh- Carry on... Whatever you are doi... ing...." Honeycomb pushed her paw into her mouth, stopping herself from talking

We both laughed and I pushed her off the bed, landing with a rumble. "Hey!" She pulled me off and I landed beside her 

all of us laughed and was cut off by the screeching of Flytrap. "FOR THE LOVE OF MOONS JUST-"

She leapt of her bed and pinned Waterfall down, Waterfall kicked her in the abdomen and yanked her off herself. Flytrap headbutted Waterfall at her stomach, smashing her against the wall. Waterfall hopelessly elbowed her back, but Flytrap refused to budge

Until I pulled Flytrap off her


"HAH! LIKE YOU COULD" Waterfall sneered at her

"Let's all go for breakfast so we can go watch the eclipse?" I asked

"STAY OUT OF THIS" They both snarled at the same time, I backed away fearfully

The prey centre was even more crowded compared to the past few days, everyone was chatting, eating and clamoured excitedly about the upcoming eclipse

I shared a cow with Waterfall as the other amethyst winglets went off with their friends from the other winglets

"Ywou excwited" I choked on the beef, coughing hoarsely

"Stop eating and talking, you look so dumb" She giggled. I spat out the lump that was stuck in my throat before drinking a mouthful of cold mountain dew (water, not the sparkling drink) from the watering hole

"Hey guys!" a voice called out behind us

A Sandwing with ruby earrings and a pouch slung over his chest stepped out of the crowd and towards us, his snout was covered in freckles and had a dragon claw scar across it. his Sandwing sail flared wildly. His forearms were bandaged. A Nightwing trailed him, she looked shyer and wore matching earrings with him, a teardrop scale just behind her eyes

"Hello, Qibli, Moon" We exchanged nods before Qibli and Moon sat next to us. "So how is my favourite dragonet doing?" He nudged me gently. (Some quick backstory, Qibli guided Comet when he first joined)

"It is fine I guess, my winglet is made up of only 1 male and 5 females" I slapped my snout, groaning

"Damn, you should be more cheerful than that, surrounded by 5 not-so bad looking Females" He purred suspiciously. Moon giggled beside him. I rolled my eyes. "I beg your pardon? I am the prettiest of them all" Waterfall announced triumphantly, puffing out her chest. I slapped my Snout, chuckling

"What?" She scowled, she pounced on to me and pinned me on to the ground. "Someone is getting eggs," Qibli chortled as popped a grape into his mouth, watching the scene unfold before him. we both tossed and turned, fighting and pushing each other, until she pinned me to the ground

I struggled to push her off until I gave in

"Fine... You are the prettiest and cutest of them all" I rolled my eyes. "That's better" She smiled. She leapt of me and trotted towards the centre where all the prey like cows and chicken scrambled and shrieked, running for their lives as dragons picked them up one by one

We enjoyed the meal until I remembered about what happened yesterday

Dragons screaming and dying, by some unknown planet. I pushed that thought away. "Moon, may I ask you something?"

Moon turned to me, swallowing a small chunk of chicken. "Sure! What can I help with?" She smiled. I leaned in closer to her, Qibli eyed me warily but quickly got back to his meal

"Did you have any visions ever since the red shooting star?". She blinked, confused. "What?" "Did you have any visions, about like dragons dying or.. or something from outerspace coming to get us?" "Uhhh... No?" She laughed nervously

I was in disbelief, Moon didn't have a vision? No it can't be, I had the vision, why didn't she get it? She can also see the future no?

"How about futures? Any futures ending in death or destruction?" I hopelessly pleaded, She took another bite from her meal and shook her head, "The only vision I see, is me and Qibli, one happy family and five dragonets" She turned her eyes to face Qibli, Smiling Dreamily

I was in absolute disbelief, Moon didn't get a vision but I did? I was lost in thought, Qibli's chuckles were muffled in my mind. 

Maybe I was wrong? 

That was when the gong sounded, signalling the start of the event. "Hello! This is Your principal Sunny, and I have your other vice-principals, Clay and Tsunami!"

The vision also seemed to be fading into oblivion, like forgetting past memories. 

"The event is starting soon, like how Starflight foresaw! All the dragonets, please report to the cliffside now!" A paw grabbed mine and started tugging me to the entrance of Jade mountain Academy

"Come on Comet!" A sweet voice echoed

Everything became a muffled mess as I sunk deeper into my sea of thoughts. Maybe I did Hallucinate

The bright sun pierced against my eyes, as if they pleaded me to return to reality. Oh well, If Moon, the future-sight didn't see it. Maybe it wasn't real

I snapped back into reality as Waterfall shook me, squealing in excitement. "Comet look! The sky!" She gripped my Talons tightly as we both watched the sky, it was no new experience, us gazing at the skies together. The sun rays glared and beamed down on the earth, but slowly started disappearing one after the other as if they were dying. The sun was visible now, a yellow flaming globe in the sky now battling against the moon like an epic battle of darkness and light

Suddenly, everything went dark, as a white ring shone in the sky, casting a faint white glow from the terrain out here to the horizon. I was absorbed by its beauty, they nearly matched Waterfall's Aquamarine scales, except paler

But I was snapped back into reality, when an ear-piercing scream sliced the air

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