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The slight breeze licked my temple as I stared out to the horizon. The grass tickled me as it got played by the wind. I took in a whole breath of refreshing mountain air of the jade mountains. Letting the cool oxygen run through my body

The sky felt, magical, I could feel the fabricated universe drawing me, the gravity of the cosmic planets out there, trying their hardest to suck me into their critical orbit and devour me completely.

My fantasies slowly crept into me, questions like "what was out there?" leeched on to my brain, craving answers. I wondered at the thousand possibilities out there, were there more creatures out there? Are there only stars suns and moons? But before I could theorize, a heavy weight leapt on my back, toppling me and whatever that is over.

We tossed and turn, rolling down the rocky hill before crashing into a lake, sending crystal pristine waters splashing everywhere. I jumped up, snarling, prepared to strike whoever it was, "Stay away whoe-, oh its you" I relaxed my talons as I watched my lifelong friend, a beautiful seawing giggling, her scales were a vibrant shade of turquoise, like a thousand aquamarines perfectly embedded on her scales. Her talons palmed her face as she giggled, tail slapping the water

I splashed water all over her. "Hey!" her giggling turned into a cute pout. I gave her a smuggish look. "Come back here you little-" We both splashed and laugh until she pounced on me and I fell over, she was on top of me now. "Fine you win, AGAIN" I sighed, "hehe"

I pushed her off me and stood up again, wading to shore. The cold was clearly starting to get to me so I quickly pulled myself out of the water, and she followed suit. I snuggled into the warm summer grass with the Seawing sitting next to me. "So what does the cute popular seawing, Waterfall want from me now?" Waterfall's snout turned purple and looked away in embarrassment to the word cute. "Hey!" she slapped my snout with her tail, "you do that again I will rip your face off!" She snarled

I chuckled in amusement. She has The headmistress's attitude, I thought

"I just wanted to talk to you , everyone has their partner or winglet..." She mused, looking down at her talons, clearly in embarrassment. I snickered, getting another slap on the snout. We watched the sky, now a fully purple and blue sky. The stars twinkled, greeting us as they made their entrance to the dark side of the sky

"Have you ever wondered what was out there?" I whispered, "OH my moons, Comet you ask me that every time we are here, you Scroll worm" She playfully whacked me with her tail again, but I managed to block it. "but think about it, are there just planets and stars and.. and... more stars and..." My excitement was making me hysterical. No one was ever interested in my fantasies about the sky, only Waterfall and maybe librarian Starflight and his wife Fatespeaker listened.

Waterfall gave me an amused face. "What?" It was my turn to hit her on the temples with my tail. She started giggling again. I was about to tackle her to the ground when suddenly the ground turned red. "what in the three moons..." my gaze slowly shift up towards the sky. The sky was no longer the gorgeous dark blue and purple anymore, a huge red shooting star sliced the sky above us, casting an eerie red glow over the dark terrain, illuminating trees, rocks and mountains that were supposed hidden

"Waterfall, you saw that ri-" But just before I finished, a sharp head splitting migraine shot through my brain. I fell onto the floor, clutching my temples so hard that I could feel blood slowly trickling. "COMET!? COMET!" Waterfall shook me vigorously, making the migraine worse.

"HELP, ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" My body was numbing and everything was turned black

suddenly, my mind flashed a vision, there was a huge planet but it was black and had a weird ring all around it and it started to ripping pieces of the earth, tearing it apart. Dragons screamed as they tried to run from that monstrous planet, dragons were pulled off the ground and into that thing, as if there were invisible arms there to grab them. Ear-piercing yells, screams and shouts clashed as the crowd of dragons broke into a state of panic

"Free us all"

What was that voice

Another vision of a family of dragons, dragonets clutching their parents and crying, got crushed in a cave.


"Let the fantasies thrive"


I saw Waterfall's limp body on the ground, covered in scratches and bruises

"Only the one whose scales bleed power"


My voice was muffled by the screams from all the images my mind flashed


"under the darkest day"

Suddenly everything went quiet, I was floating in a dark space. The visions stopped. I panted, traumatized by what I saw

"another era has bitten the dust..."

was the last thing I heard, before the bright lights of the flame silk lamp pinched my eyes

How was it? Let me know your feedback in the comments :D

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