22. Escapade in the Freaky Woods

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Music Recommendation: 'Play with Fire' by Sim Tinnesz, Yatch Money

It's been over ten minutes since Shakti went to the washroom. Initially, Rian felt relieved that she couldn't delve deeper into places where she wasn't supposed to be, but after ten minutes of contemplating, he decided to go after her. He had an inkling that she didn't go to the washroom.

He stood up and went in the direction Shakti went to, without sparing a second glance to all the people who saw him leave. He traced the walls with his fingers, with his eyes closed. Faint sounds of hurried footsteps filled his ears, and he took the path toward a certain hallway. His mind was focused on the sounds of the footsteps.

When he reached the hallway, his eyes narrowed suspicion as it contained the backdoor of the manor. She didn't go out, did she?

His eyes landed on the slightly open door and his suspicion was confirmed. Shakti went out in the dark, toward the forest; and she didn't know the way back home.

'Such a trouble magnet you are Shortie.'

With that, he exited the manor and eyed the now-dark area. He clicked his tongue in displeasure. He expanded his hearing range and tried to detect any footsteps or her voice, anything that could help him to find out about the whereabouts of Shakti.

Strange whispers clouded his olfactory senses but he blocked them as they were of no use to him at that moment. He focused on the sounds of someone rushing deeper into the forest. He sprinted in the direction of the sound. She wasn't out for long as the sounds of footsteps were getting louder, indicating that he was slowly catching up to her.

Suddenly the whispers in the background came to a halt. After a few moments, Shakti's footsteps stopped as well. In the distance, Rian saw her standing stiffly with her back facing him.

All of a sudden, the sound of some wolf's howling was heard in the distance. Rian heard Shakti mutter, "Great ways to die."

'Not on my watch, little Tigress.'

Rian's lip twitched while he leaned against one of the trees, studying her demeanor, looking for any sign of panic or attempt to escape. But Shakti seemed to have rooted to the spot. Her body seemed rigid and her rapid heartbeat struck his eardrums, making it too loud, despite the otherwise quiet atmosphere.

Shakti finally took a step backward and then another. Rian swiftly moved toward her. "You seem to have a knack for lurking in places where you shouldn't.", he whispered.

'Especially my mind.', he thought.

Shakti turned and her right hand flew to her chest, perhaps to calm her frantic heart, while her left hand was curled in a tight fist. "Why do you always sneak up from behind? Is this your way of trying to kill me by giving me a heart attack?", she asked glaring at Rian.

"Why are you obsessed with dying? Why will I try to kill you when your sole existence brings so much fun in my life?", Rian said with a wink, which further accelerated Shakti's heartbeats and had her eyes go wide in disbelief.

"Why are you so upbeat about messing with my perfectly planned life? Don't you have something better to do? Do you need some work that can keep you away from your staring and almost-stalking tendencies? I can suggest some freelancing jobs that will keep you occupied.", Shakti jabbed sardonically which as usual created the opposite effect.

Rian simpered and came closer to her, towering over her. "Pray, suggest me. It will be beneficial for both of us. But if you cannot then I will upgrade my tactic and make it more thrilling for us." Shakti's pupils dilated and a charged silence followed his words.

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