26. Who is the Third-Wheeler?

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Music Recommendation: 'Murder in My Mind' by Kordhell.

"Where is your friend?", was the first question Rian asked Myra when he found her sitting alone in the Freaky Woods with the dragon named Mark gone momentarily. It was Saturday morning and his dear friend Mark Murphy took Myra to the forest to spend time with her. It was like a weekly routine at this point. But Rian concern didn't lie there. He was, in fact, least bothered by what ministrations those two were up to.

Myra, being the little devil she was, answered casually, "Jade is studying in our dorm. You can directly talk to her instead of disrupting my peace here."

"I am not talking about Jade. I know where my sister is as I have already checked your dorm.", Rian said, his cold eyes narrowing on the girl in front of her, whose grin seemed to grow at the expense of his patience.

"I presume you are talking about Shakti then? Well, she is busy.", Myra said with the most annoying grin she could muster. Rian's eyebrows furrowed, and a wide range of possibilities started floating in his head. and very few of them seemed normal.

"Busy doing what?", Rian asked, trying to keep his voice cool. "I don't know. Maybe something interesting?", Myra replied suggestively. Rian's eyes narrowed into slits, while his mind was creating a very wrong mental image. His blood pressure couldn't help but skyrocket.

'Stop it. Why do you care?', he asked to his mind.

'As if you don't know?', his nefarious mind replied. He knew. He knew very damn well how wrong yet how right things were. But the strangest thing was the fact that he neither minded nor cared about the dangers it could bring to his life. He was absolutely and perfectly fucked up.

But it doesn't matter. Not anymore. Whatever it is. It is the reality. He didn't want to think much about it and get any unnecessary headaches.

"Myra. I am not here to play games with you. Answer the question or I will- "

"I think some sentences are good when unfinished. Isn't it?", a calm voice rang in the forest. Rian turned to see Mark, leaning against the nearby tree, looking at him with a calm expression, but he knew better. This friend of his was a master of disguise. He was too, but a certain girl with glasses was messing with his personality. He would deal with it later.

"If you don't want my sentences to be reality in the next five seconds, then fucking answer me. Where the hell is Shakti?", Rian asked Myra, not at all fazed by the deadly stare he was receiving from the blonde. Myra tilted her head to the side and answered most nonchalantly, "She is in the library."

Rian didn't waste another second and took a swift turn with the library as his only destination. But Myra's next words made him momentarily stop.

"She is with Cian."

Rian looked at her with the sharpest look and asked, "What?" He didn't care if Mark advanced in his direction with a lunatic look.

"You heard me. She is studying with Cian. I don't think she wants to be bothered. She seemed thrilled to go to the library when Cian asked her to accompany him.", Myra replied with a hint of smirk, looking satisfied with the reaction she received from Rian.

Rian gave one last look in Mark's direction and said, "If you don't want me to commit a murder then you better warn your friend.", and left the forest with a compilation of not-so-friendly thoughts. Hell, his thoughts were far from friendly. They were bordering on morbidity. In fact, he was planning other ways of cracking and breaking bones, as killing is not legal.

Was he behaving disturbingly? Not actually, as his definition of disturbing might not resonate with others. And he didn't care what others think about him. Some of them should be fortunate that they are living just because he was being benevolent.

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