Chapter 3- Secret

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Thomas' POV:

I cannot believe that my mother's old school friend is Lydia's stepmother. I don't even want to know what she will think when she sees me. Maybe she'll think I was stalking her. That would be so embarrassing. I can already feel beads of sweat dotting my forehead and upper lip. My nerves get the better of me as my hand starts to shake. Alex notices and gives me a reassuring look. Whispering in my ear, he tells me that I shouldn't worry about not feeling comfortable. Little did he know that I was nervous because of Lydia, not the fear of discomfort. 

Mother is gesturing me to go over and meet our hosts for the time being. I, had just noticing their appearance, walk towards them, every step I take echoing deep in my eardrums. As I approach the couple, I put on the best fake smile I can. When I finally reach the porch, I am greeted by Lydia's stepmom since she tightly hugs me, almost crushing my insides. 

"I haven't seen you since you were an infant! You look very handsome, Tommy. You must be breaking hearts left and right." She places her hand on my cheek and kisses the other one, lightly giggling. She seemed really nice, though I don't remember her much from my childhood. 

A large, muscular man greets me with a handshake and a wide smile, revealing his perfect, white teeth. I greet him and wait for everyone else to greet each other. After everyone exchanges hugs, we begin walking into the modern, large home. 

"Make yourselves comfortable, you guys! Oh, I'm so excited to catch up. You'll soon meet the rest of the family. Dylan is picking up Lydia and Ansel and they'll be here soon," The lady chirps, who apparently is called Sara. 

Her husband, Richard, leads us to the living room to sit down. My eyes widen when I see the marvelous room. The silk curtains perfectly compliment the blue carpet and couch pillows. The sofa is an elegant cream color and the wallpaper is the same shade. This family obviously pays attention to detail. Sitting down on the comfortable sofa, I anxiously await the arrival of Lydia. I just hope she doesn't freak out when she sees me in her house... 


Lydia's POV:

We're jamming to Queen in the car on the way home. I guess you could say we're a bunch of old souls. Ansel, our cousin, Dylan and I are debating whether the family we are about to host, for who knows how long, will be fun, annoying or just boring. We settled for a mixture. Hopefully their British accents will be understandable. I don't know many Brits. Now that I think about it, I only know Thomas. Thinking of him, I reach for my phone and start to text him. 

'Hey, Brit! How's life treating you?;3'

He swiftly replies: 'You'd be surprised actually x'

L: 'Why's that?'

T: 'Long story. I'll tell you about it soon enough..'

I was about to reply when my thoughts got interrupted by my brother. "You and that phone of yours. Who are you texting? You got a new boy toy, sissy?"

I laugh, hearing the obvious irony in his voice, and shake my head. Thomas was certainly not a boy toy. 

Dylan's POV: 

Something is off. Lydia keeps giggling and blushing today. Usually, she is serious and subdued. I decide to shake if off and not ask anymore questions. Besides, if something was up she would have told me. We tell each other everything. Ansel, Lydia and I are like the three musketeers. They'd die for me and I would for them. As the car passes countless streets as we head home, Lydia falls asleep in the back seat; her luscious hair draped over her face like a curtain and her lips slightly parted. She was beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. I'm just worried about her. She's been through a lot. With mom dying and dad remarrying, it's a wonder how she still maintains a perfect GPA and still has time to help Ansel with the club, secretly of course. If our parents knew the things us three do...

We approach our house and the car jerks to a halt, waking up Lydia. The three of us tumble out of the car, realizing how tired we'd become. Walking up the porch steps, I inhale the sweet smell of our stepmom's signature dessert; apple crumble. The scent becomes even stronger when we finally enter the house..

Lydia's POV:

I enter the house after a long day at the library, ready to meet the family that would be staying with us for a while. As I go into the living room, my jaw almost detaches at my surprise to see a familiar blonde British boy sitting on my sofa. His features tighten when his eyes meet mine and he immediately looks down to avoid my gaze. I begin walking towards him but I am interrupted by my Sara, who starts introducing me to all our guests. When she takes me to meet Thomas, I play along and pretend like I have never seen him before. After all, if they knew where I'd met him they would throw a fit. 

I can't believe this. Why didn't he tell me that he would be staying here? Did he know that Sara and his mother were friends? Why did he act like he didn't know me? Does he want to keep us meeting a secret too? A million questions flood into my mind all in a few seconds. I need to talk to him, privately.

"I'm sure you are all tired. Why don't I bring some lemonade?" I put on my fake smile, turning towards Thomas. "Can you help me, uh- Troy?"

He looks more amused than annoyed as I purposely call him by the wrong name. "It's Thomas. And yeah, I will gladly help."

Thomas follows me into the kitchen and as soon as we get there I make sure to lock the door so we can talk privately. He seems really tense and avoids my eyes. All he seems to focus on is the tile floor. It's so weird seeing him like this. Last night he was so outgoing and confident and now he seems nervous. After what seemed like hours of silence, I finally speak.

"So your mom is Sara's old friend, huh?"

He just nods, still looking at the floor.

"Listen, I would really appreciate it if we could keep the fact that we met last night between us. If my parents knew where I was they would kill me. "

He nods again.

"Thomas, what's wrong?"

Looking up, he clears his throat and croakily says, "Well I thought you'd think I was a stalker."

What? Why would he think that? I raise my eyebrow as a sign for him to explain.

"Well, we met last night and now coincidentally my family is staying here. I just think it's kind of, well, odd. I mean, I don't want to to at any time think I planned any of this. I am just as clueless as you here." He smiles wearily, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. 

 I understood. Well, only partly. I would never picture him as a stalker but I guess it is a little strange that we meet again like this.

"It's fine. I know you're not a stalker. Besides, this could be fun. You seem like a really fun guy. We'll have a good time, Thomas. Don't worry about it." I give him a reassuring smile and hug him before unlocking the door and walking out of the kitchen. 

"Wait." His voice gives me goosebumps for some unknown reason. I turn to face him. "The lemonade." He smiles and points to the lemonade on the counter. I smile but can't help but feel a little disappointed at his words. But why? What else could he have said anyway? I shake these thoughts from my head and playfully punch him on the arm before taking the lemonade from the counter and taking it to the living room for everyone to drink. 



Chapter 3 is done :) I know it was a boring chapter but I promise the next one will be much more interesting. I have a few tricks up my sleeve ;)

 Don't forget to vote, comment and share :) Love you x

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