Chapter 9- Dates

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Thomas' POV: 

Wow. Only me. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she uttered those words. Only you. I was so happy, yet something, maybe my stubbornness, didn't allow me to kiss her. Instead, I did the stupidest thing I could've done. 

"I, uh- Um.. I can't deal with this right now. I need to think, Lydia. I'm really tired and dizzy and this is overwhelming. Just, leave me alone. Just go." Of course I didn't want her to leave. I don't even know why I acted like that. 

Her face darkened when I told her to leave, clearly hurt. She just nodded and stood up, heading towards the door slowly. I wanted to go and kiss her, but I didn't. I let her leave. I could still hear her muffled tears in the hallway. Come on Thomas, I thought, why did you ruin things again? I hated myself. 

There was a knocking on the door and I jumped up, hoping it was Lydia. To my disappointment, a confused Dylan walked through the door and into our bedroom. He sat in the same spot Lydia was sitting in just moments ago.

"I bumped into my sister in the hallway. She was crying. What happened, Thomas? Is everything alright? I hate seeing her cry, which I do way to often.." He trailed off. It's amazing how much he loves Lydia. I know he would sacrifice everything for her, which I admire. 

Realizing I hadn't replied to Dylan, I sat up and spoke. I told him everything. How we met that night, how I thought I had feelings for her, how I was her kissing my brother and how I freaked out. I told him what she had told me only minutes earlier and how I reacted. As I spoke, I could see sadness in his eye and disappointment in his body language. 

"I just don't know what to do. I mean, I've only known her a couple of days but I feel like I've known her all my bloody life. I've never liked a girl this way before. She makes me nervous, yet she calms me. No girl has ever had such a reaction on me. Except Lydia. She's different. And I'm such an idiot; I keep messing things up. Maybe I should let Alex have her. He's much more charming and handsome, anyway."

Dylan sighed. "Listen, dude. You can't let her go so easily. Alex may be all those things but she clearly has feelings for you, not him. Go for it. And don't be scared of making things awkward. I mean, how much more awkward can things become, anyway? Go talk to her. Maybe even ask her out. I know I'm too chicken to go after Monica, but this is different. Don't let her slip through your fingers. Go talk to her, right now." He gave me a weak smile and we ruffled my hair. 

"What, now? I couldn't. I made her cry, mate. I wouldn't know what to say to make things better." I was so disappointed with myself. Usually, I wouldn't talk to anyone like I just talked to Lydia. I guess I'm just too scared that if I make a move, I'll screw it up and lose her for good. But I'm losing her anyway. I hated myself.

"Just go apologize to her for telling her to leave and ask her out. Trust me, she'll say yes." 

I nod. I should go. I can't make things possibly worse. I thank Dylan and leave the room. In the hallway, I move so fast to get to Lydia's room that I bump into someone. Monica? What's she doing her; and so late? I help her get up after lifting myself up first. 

"I'm sorry, Monica. I didn't know you were here."

"I just came. I need to give Dylan something because if I don't give it to him now I'll forget and then we'd be screwed." I nod and turn to leave, when she takes my hand to stop me. "Tommy, can I ask you something? Well, how comes you haven't called me?"

"Well, it's not that I don't find you attractive. You're beautiful, but I already have my eye on someone else. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to lead you on." I feel so bad. She seems like a great girl. Dylan needs to grow some balls and ask her out already. 

"Oh, then that's okay. Thanks for being honest. You're a good guy, Thomas." She lets go of my hand, cheeks red from embarrassment. 

"Listen, if you want a good guy, someone who will protect you and be honest with you, Dylan's your guy. I really think you guys could be great for each other. It's worth a shot, right?" I needed to repay Dylan somehow for helping me, so since he wasn't going to make a move, I took matters into my own hands. 

"Maybe you're right. I haven't thought about Dylan like that, but he's the greatest guy I've ever met. Maybe I should go for it. You think I'd have a chance?"

"Definitely." She thanks me and goes to talk to Dylan, while I continue looking for Lydia. 

I find her out on her balcony, like always, starring up at the stars. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes glistened brighter than any star in the sky. I sat down next to her on her favorite sofa. She made a few cue muffling noises, obviously trying to hold back tears. She avoided my stare and turned the other way, still hurt about the fact that I turned her down. 

" Lydia; I don't know what to say. I'm an idiot. I think I told you to go because I was scared. Scared of my feelings for you. I'm not sure how I feel, but I do know that I've never felt this way before. We've only known each other for a few days but I have really developed such strong feelings for you, and I guess I'm kind of scared by them. I don't expect you to understand, but I was hoping we could start over. " 

She turns to look at me, tears ricocheting from her eyes. I use my thumb to wipe them away, out faces inches apart. 

"I'm scared too. I really like you, Thomas. And I only  wanted you to kiss me, not Alex," she whispers, her breath stroking my cheeks. "And I'd like it if we could start over. This time, with less apologizing because it's exhausting." She lets out a little chuckle and I stroke her hair as I lean in. 

"What about a date? You and me, tomorrow night. A fresh start. What do you say?"

"I say yes, Thomas. Yes." She chuckles again and turns, laying her head on my shoulder as we look up at the stars. We stay like this for a while, until I can hear her soft snores as her chest steadily moves up and down. I lift her into my arms and take her to her bed, covering her with a green blanket. I take one last look at her, admiring her effortless beauty, then turn the lights off in her room and close the door behind me as I go into the hallway. 

When I enter Dylan and I's bedroom, I find a very happy Dylan lying on his bed, starring at the ceiling. When he notices me, he immediately sits up and waves me over.

"You'll never guess what just happened. Monica asked me out. She and me out. She said I'm a great guy and it took her so long to realize. Wow. " I laughed and hugged him. 

"I'm really happy for you, bro!" I plop down next to him and fall back onto the mattress, letting out a big sigh. 

"Thanks. So how did things go with Lydia?" 

"We have a date tomorrow night. Thanks so much for your advise, Dylan." 

"Anytime. You know, I'm really enjoying you guys staying here. Part of me wishes you'll never find a house." We both laugh and he lays back to stare at the ceiling with me. 

" I'm having fun too." 

"Oh, and Thomas?"

"Yeah, mate?"

"I heard you talking to Monica in the hallway. These walls are as thin as paper. But thanks, man. Really, I appreciate it."

"Well since you weren't gonna grow some balls and ask her out, I needed to help you out."

"Yeah, well looks like we both have dates tomorrow night. Things are finally turning out good, huh?"

"Sure." Things were looking good, for now...



This is the longest chapter so far, I think. Well, you deserve it. 

Vote and comment. Love you <3 

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