Chapter 2- The House

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Lydia's POV:

I sneak back into the house as quietly as possible and go up to my bedroom. After changing into my pajamas and putting away the clothes I was wearing, I sit on my queen sized bed and take Thomas' jacket in my hands. He's so sweet. He just met me and he helped me get home. Perhaps it wasn't wise letting a stranger bring me home but I'm absolutely sure he isn't dangerous. What am I doing? Why am I even thinking about him? He probably won't ever contact me again. He is way out of my league anyway. I stand corrected as I hear the familiar sound of a text message on my phone. I was surprised to see that it was Thomas.

'Maybe it wasn't a good idea giving you my jacket. I am FREEZING out here ;p'

I smile to myself and feel myself blushing. I text back after waiting a couple minutes so I wouldn't seem too eager.

'I told you to take it back. Now you're making me feel guilty..'

Not even a minute had passed before he replied:

T: 'You shouldn't. I was only being a gentleman'

L: 'Sure, if that's what you call it ;)x'

T: 'You are one feisty girl. So when do you think I can get that jacket back, love?x'

L: 'Well I really like it. Thinking about keeping it xx'

T: 'Haha xx If you keep it, do I still get to see you again?'

L: 'We'll see:)'

After fifteen minutes, he doesn't reply. I get worried so I text him again.

L: 'Thomas?'

T: 'I'm right here. I'm sorry, I was trying to get into the hotel room. Bloody card didn't work. Had to get a new one from reception.'

L: 'Oh, okay. I'm glad you got back safely. I need to get some sleep. We're gonna have visitors tomorrow. Goodnight Thomas xx'

T: 'Goodnight, Lydia x'

I smiled down at his text, feeling strangely happy. Did I like this boy? No, I can't. I just met him. He probably just wants to be friends anyway. In order to stop thinking about my new acquaintance, I take my favorite poetry book from my shelf and begin reading 'Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night' by Dylan Thomas for the umpteenth time before drifting to a dreamless sleep.


I explode into wakefulness at the piercing sound of my alarm clock. I quickly shut it off and get out of bed, opening the curtains as I walk towards the wardrobe to choose my ensemble for the day. I decide to wear some white skinny jeans with a loose navy blue shirt with anchors on it. I grab my black vans and wear them before taking my bad and leaving to go to work.

I work as an assistant at our town's public library. I honestly could not have asked for a better summer job. Reading is a major passion of mine and one of the perks of working at the public library is getting to read any book I wish, free of charge. That's a pretty sweet deal.

I go to the garage where my bicycle normally is, but then I realize that someone had stolen it last night. Frustrated, I call my brother, Dylan, who comes to get me with his car. As soon as he arrives, late as always, I enter the vehicle and he begins interrogating me about my missing bicycle.

"So how did you lose it?" He raises his eyebrow and looks at me through the mirror.

"I didn't lose it, it was stolen."

"Yeah, someone at the club stole it, right?" How does he know about that? He seems to read my mind as he continues, "Ansel called me to make sure you got in okay. Why didn't you call me, sissy? I would've picked you up. You didn't need to walk alone so late." The concern in his voice is one of the reasons why I love him so much; he is such a caring brother.

"Well I'm fine Dylan. you don't have to worry about me."

Surprised, he turns to look at me, placing his left hand on my knee. "You are my sister. I need to worry about you. It's my job, alright? Now, we're here. Have fun at work and I'll come pick you up later. The guests will arrive at four o'clock. Take care of yourself, Lyds." He hugs me and kisses my forehead and I pile out of the vehicle with my bag and my poetry book. I love him so much. I wouldn't be able to cope without Dylan. If anything ever happened to him I would die! I shake the horrific thought from my head and head to the library for another day of organizing books and helping Lisa the librarian.

Thomas' POV:

The Beatles blast in my ears as I listen to their greatest hits on my phone as we drive to the airport to pick up my brother, Alex. He has just finished his second year at university and I can't wait to see him. It has been over six months since I last saw him. I miss him so much.  Our home had become so empty ever since dad went missing and Alex left for college. At least my mom is always with me, keeping me from becoming insane. Speaking of which, my mother started talking to me in the car about where I was last night. Obviously, I lied. I told her I was exploring the hotel we were staying at, something I haven't done since I was eight. I think she knows I was lying, but decided to let it go. We aren't as close as we were. After father disappeared nothing is how it used to be. I just hope that after staying with mom's friends for a while, we can find a nice place to live and start a new and happy life here in America. 

We finally arrive at the airport and as soon as I see Alex, I run up and hug the brother I miss so much. On the drive back, we catch up and talk about Alex's new life as a uni student. He seems to be happy here, which makes me ecstatic. We're on our way to my mother's friends house when I receive a message from Lydia. 

'Okay, so you won't believe what happened to me.'

After a few minutes, I reply, 'What happened, love?x'

L: 'Well, I'm at the library working and this old man comes in and he came up to me, asking where he could find the "erotica" section. I almost exploded into laughter right in his face! You should've been there xx'

I smile to myself, picturing Lydia's face as the perverted old man asked her that question. I quietly laugh, but my brother notices. 

"Hey uh- why are you so happy?" the amusement in his voice is obvious.

"I'm just happy to have you back, mate." I flash a huge smile and mess up Alex's hair.

He playfully punches my arm and thankfully doesn't ask anymore questions. As mother proceeds to drive the car, she turns into a neighborhood that seems all too familiar. When the car comes to a stop and other informs us that we have arrived at our home for the next few weeks, I look up to see a house I've seen before. The house. Lydia's house. 



Chap two is done! YAY :) I hope you liked it and don't forget to vote and comment . Love you xx

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