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"We have to hurry or else he'll turn into a mermaid without anyone watching," Togami said. "Is everything set up?"

"Yeah," Nishikawa said. "A crowd has gathered around the tank too,"

"Alright. Bring him out then."


Nishikawa lead Komaeda into the main hall of the aquarium. The pale man was extremely confused. What was even happening??

"Just do as I say." Nishikawa whispered. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Are you ready to see this man turn into a real life mermaid?" He called out, smiling. The crowd cheered. "Alright then! Please climb up the ladder!"

There was a tank in the middle with a ladder leaning on it. The top of the tank was open. Komaeda nervously climbed up on wobbly legs. He had never seen a ladder before.

"Now, please jump in!"

He looked at the crowd and decided it would be best to just listen. He jumped into the water and his legs began to sparkle as they turned into his tail. A rush of energy went through his body. Holding the human form had been tiring.

The crowd gasped and applauded. They all stared at him and judged how realistic his body actually was.

"That can't be real," A woman said.

"It is real!" Her son argued.

The people pressed their hands against the glass as Nishikawa placed a lid on the tank. He locked it so Komaeda couldn't get out.

The pale man was getting worried. The tank was barely tall enough for him to stand up in. He couldn't swim in it. The ground was covered in sand and a few decorations, but there was no room for a bed or any privacy. He could be watched at all times.

They were taking pictures and wanted him to pose with their children. The mermaid nervously looked around.

A knock on the glass caught his attention. He turned around and saw a famillar brunet.

"Hinata-kun!" He called out, pressing his hands against the glass. "I-I don't know what they're doing to me! What's going on??"

He couldn't be heard from the outside though.

Hinata placed his hand on top of Komaeda's against the glass. He gave him a reassuring nod.

"That didn't answer my question!" He yelled.

Hinata left after that.

"No, don't leave me here! Hinata-kun, come back!" Komaeda pleaded.

A woman approached Nishikawa. "Excuse me, Sir? You work here, right? The mermaid actor seems a bit... you know? He seems scared. Are you sure this is safe? He's locked up too, but he looks like he wants to get out. He doesn't even want to take photos with anyone,"

"Don't worry, he's okay,"

"Are you really sure?"

"I'm sure. There's a button in the tank that he can press if he feels scared or unsafe. The thing is... he's a bit mentally unstable, so he acts weird,"

"Oh! I'm so sorry for asking!"

"It's fine, you really don't need to worry about him,"

♡ Mermaid | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now