20 | Meeting Souda

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The last evening of the trip came around. Hinata stood at the beach, calling out to the prince.

"Komaeda! Here's Hajime!"

"You didn't visit me at all the last few days," Komaeda said.

"Nice to see you again too." He sat down, chuckling. "Sorry about my brother, he's not usually like that. He's nice. A bit bored all the time, but still a good person,"

"He apologized to me, so no worries. I don't hold grudges. Could you bring me onto the sand? Crawling makes me feel a bot pathetic. Ah, not that I'm not pathetic, but..."

The brunet picked him up and set him down on the sand.

"Sorry for how shit humans have been treating you. We're not all like that. But you should know... the guy who owns the Aquarium... goes to my school. When we're back home, please don't go there. Okay? He's annoying and rude, but super rich so no one can do anything about it,"

"I won't then. Uhm, I want to hang out some more. Like normal people do. With your friends, or just... the two of us." He smiled at Hinata.

"Sounds cool. What would you like to do?"

"Something that involves my super cool human legs,"

"A trampoline park? Or maybe we could go hiking?"

"What's a trampoline?"

"Uh... a thing that... you can jump really high on,"

"Sounds fun. You always have the best ideas, Hinata-kun,"

He laughed. "Since when?"

"Since always,"

The brunet let out a relaxed sigh. "Thanks. Uh, we're leaving tomorrow. If you make yourself really small, I could sneak you onto the ship so you don't have to swim. I, uh, kinda bought a really big bag here before asking you at all,"

"And you want to carry me yourself?"

"Yeah, that's nothing,"

"I'm nothing to you?" Komaeda asked, eyes wide.

"What?! No, that's not what I-! I didn't mean to-!" He was interrupted by the prince's laughter.

"I'm kidding. I know I'm a little too little when it comes to weight,"

"That's fine. As long as you're healthy and eating,"

"I am. Come to me with your bag tomorrow morning. Oh, but don't you dare let them put me in a dark room with the other bags,"

"I'll try my best. Man, I'm looking forward to walking with you again. I don't wanna hide you forever,"

"This feels like a forbidden romance. Romano, oh Romano!" He said dramatically.

"What? You mean Romeo?"

"No. I mean Romano. From the play Romano and Juiliana. Where they both die at the end. Your know?"

"Romeo and Juliet. By Shakespeare,"

"Oh, I don't know who created it, but definetly not Shakespeare,"

"So under the sea, someone wrote a mermaid version of Romeo and Juliet?"

"Your mean on land, someone wrote a human version of Romano and Juliana? I suppose at the end of the day, we're all the same. How heartwarming,"

"I guess so. Komaeda, it's getting late, I gotta go to bed,"

Komaeda frowned. "But you just came here,"

"I know, sorry. I'll put you in the bag tomorrow morning then. Good night, Komaeda-"

"Introduce me to your best friend,"


"Mhm. Introduce me to him and tell him I'm a mermaid. I don't want to be a Juliana. I don't want to swallow poison and have you find me and end it too. So tell Souda about me,"

"Alright." He shrugged. "He will absolutely freak out though,"

"I'm sure he'll be calm and collected,"


"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Souda screamed.

"My friend. Komaeda. You know him,"

"WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE-?! THAT!" He pointed at the tail.

Komaeda just looked at him calmly, waiting for him to stop screaming.

"Dude, shut the hell up! You're rude as fuck right now! Don't just start screaming when you see someone who's different!"

"This isn't normal different, dude! He doesn't have like a weird hair color, he's a-?! He's a-! What the hell even is he?! A siren?! Or like Ariel??"

"A mermaid. Obviously," Hinata said. "I knew you'd be shocked, but not confused. It's obvious what he is,"

Souda took off his hat and put it to the side as he took a deep breath. "Okay. A mermaid. Okay. Those are real, I guess. And why is he in our room?"

"I wanted to meet Hinata-kun's best friend," He explained.

"Best friend, huh? And he brought you here?" Souda asked, grinning. "I always knew my soul bro loved me!" He laughed.

"Yeah, I just can't get enough of you, my love." Hinata said, bored.

"Huh? I said best friend, not boyfriend," Komaeda told him.

"You have trouble detecting sarcasm, Komaeda."

♡ Mermaid | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now