14 | Boat

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The class entered the boat.

"Have fun, Hajime, Izuru!" Mr. Hinata called out.

"Thanks, dad!"

"I will see you again soon, father," Kamukura said.

Their journey began. Kamukura stared at the sea whole Hinata and Souda hung out separately.

Down in the ocean, Komaeda saw the boat above him. Curious, he decided to follow it. He swam to the surface. He looked up and saw someone leaning over the railing.

The prince smiled up at the man, not receiving any acknowledgement in return. The man stared back at him, bored.

Was this one of the cruel humans? Nervous, Komaeda decided to swim down again. It was hard to keep up with the big boat. He managed to grab onto it, but his arms hurt after a while.

The boat was way in front of him now, but he could still see it in the distance, so he was able to follow it.

Kamukura approached his brother.

"Hajime, I saw a mermaid in the water,"

The brunet almost spat out his drink. "Mermaids aren't real,"

"I thought so too, but I saw one in the ocean,"

"There's girls who dress up as mermaids and swim. It's like a hobby,"

"It was a man,"

"Men can do that too, I guess,"

"It was a real mermaid, Hajime,"

The brunet shook his head. "Mermaids aren't real. You're being a little crazy right now,"

"Tch. Fool." With that, he walked away again. "I will find you, mermaid. I believe you exist." He stated.


"Alright, go to your rooms and unpack. Dinner is served at 7. Tomorrow morning we will start with our first activity," Yukizome said.

"So we have freetime until then?" Koizumi asked.


"Hell yeah!" Souda cheered.

Hinata and him went to their shared room and threw their bags on the ground.

"You know, your brother got me thinking... are Mermaids maybe real?" Souda asked. "He doesn't seem like the type to hallucinate things,"

"Seriously? It was probably just a dolphin,"

"But how would he come to the conclusion that it was a guy?"

"I don't know, but Mermaids aren't real,"

"Hm... If ya say so. I'm gonna go ask Sonia-san out for a date. See ya later!"

"Don't ask her, she's dating Tanaka!" The brunet told him.


Hinata sighed. "Ugh... He's such a dumbass when it comes to girls,"

He decided to go to the beach to relax a bit. Luckily, he found an empty spot. The brunet sat down in the warm sand, the sun shining onto his face. He had a dark tan already since he was in the sun so much. He wondered... Would Komaeda get a tan? Would he get sunburnt? Would he be affected by the sun at all?

Hinata really missed the mermaid prince, huh? Too bad being on land wasn't safe for him.

Something swam towards him and then, with a splash of water, Komaeda appeared.

"Hello there, Hinata-kun!" He said, smiling.

"What??? What are you doing here??"

"I followed the ship," he stated. "Would you help me get on land, please?"

The brunet stood up and pulled Komaeda onto the sand by his arms.

"I forgot the ring at home so I can't walk around." He leaned his head on hinata's shoulder.

"You, uh... look really nice today. The diadem fits you well,"

The prince laughed. "Thank you. I do try to make myself look presentable, but I didn't think I had achieved that,"

"What? Are you saying you're ugly?"

"Mhm." He smiled.

"I thought mystical ocean spirits wouldn't worry about that kinda thing, but I guess not. You're just like us, huh?"

"Do you think you are ugly?"

"Nah, not really. I'm not worried about what I look like, but more what I can and can't do,"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like... I feel incompetent sometimes. I feel stupid and like I can't do anything right. I wanna be a stuntman, but I never took any lessons on the topic. I wanna get good grades, but I can't focus on studying at all,"

"Grades?" Komaeda asked. "What's that?"

"Uh, it's like feedback you get in school,"


"It's a place we go to learn about math and languages and history and stuff,"

"Oh, how interesting!"

"Yeah. We take tests on what we learned and get grades. Mine are alright, but I know I could do better if my brain could just focus on studying,"

Komaeda hugged the brunet. "You don't need to be upset. I can tell your hope shines brighter than that of anyone else I've met,"

"Uh... thanks..?"

"You're welcome. Oh! I'm sorry for getting water on you. I'm completely wet," Komaeda said.

"It's fine." He ruffled his hair. "Thanks for visiting me,"

"You're leaving?"

"Do you want me to stay?"

Komaeda nodded, smiling. "Of course,"

"Then I guess I will,"

♡ Mermaid | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now