29 | Sick

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The next day, Komaeda didn't come to the beach. Hinata tried not to get worried. It was probably nothing. He wasn't kidnapped again, right.

Just as he was about to leave, someone gets out of the water. White hair, pale skin, a beautiful diadem. But it wasn't his boyfriend. There stood a pretty woman in a bikini.

"Hinata-san!" She called out, smiling.

The brunet tried to remember who this was. He'd seem her before.

"Don't remember me? I'm Nagito's mother. He begged me to come here and tell you he's okay. He's just a little sick today and can't come see you. He misses you like crazy though, trust me," She said, chuckling.

"I could come visit him. You just gotta give me air, like Komaeda did. He kissed me. Uh, I guess it would be weird to kiss my boy's mom, huh? Damn..."

She chuckled. "I don't have to kiss you to give you air,"

"You don't?" He asked.

"Nope. Open your mouth. This is gonna be weird, but... bear with me," she said.

Hinata opened his mouth and she took a deep breath before blowing all the air in her lungs into his mouth. The brunet closes his mouth again, staring at her with wide eyes. She was right. That felt hella weird.

"Now, let's not waste time! Nagito's waiting for you," she said.

The two of them made their way to the castle. Hinata swam to Komaeda's room.

The pale boy was wrapped up in a blanket, half asleep.

"Uh, babe?" Hinata asked. "Your mom said you were sick. How are you feeling?"

"Hinata-kun..?" He whispered, looking at him. "You're here?"

"Of course. What kinda sick are you? Do you have a cold?"

"A what? No, I'm tailsick,"

"What the hell is that?"

"I turned into a human too many times in the past months," He said. "My body is tired,"

Hinaya cupped his cheek. "Oh... sorry about that," He said. "I made you turn a lot, hm?"

Komaeda put his hand on Hinata's. "It's not your fault. I love being up there with you,"

"Yeah, me too,"

After that, it got quiet for a while with the two of them just looking into each other's eyes.

"...wanna make out?" Hinata asked.

Komaeda grinned and sat up. He pulled himself onto Hinata's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Of course!"

The brunet leaned in for a kiss. After a minute or so, he pulled away. "Ugh... this feels weird in the ocean. It's like I'm making out with a water fountain,"

Komaeda frowned. "Mermaids kiss like this all the time. To me it's weird not to be wet all the time when I'm on land too. Could you maybe... try to adapt a little bit? I don't want our relationship to be limited to be on land,"

Hinata sighed, but nodded. "Sure. You're sick from having to be a human, I guess I can be a bit more fish-like then." He kissed him again. It was so weird. It was just... cold. He didn't get how mermaids could like this. Nothing could even happen in the heat of the moment, because there was no heat. No warmth at all. Just cold, wet kisses.

He pulled away again. "Sorry, Komaeda. This feels too weird. I don't like it,"

"I see... I suppose it can't be helped. I should probably rest anyway," He said, laying back down.

"Is exhaustion the only symptom of, uh... tailsickness?"

"No. My tail hurts, my head hurts, I feel all gross..."

"Is there any way to help you out?"

"You could maybe massage my tail,"

Hinata nodded. "Sure." He grabbed his tail and began pressing down on it. What would feel good for a mermaid?

"Owww!!" Komaeda yelped, gripping onto the sheets. He trashed around. "Stop!"

Hinata pulled his hands away. "Sorry!"

"It's okay. You don't know a lot about mermaids, it's not your fault,"

He thought they were done with this topic. But if it upset Komaeda, he had to take action.

"You're right. So tell me about mermaids. You've spent a lot of time with humans. Tell me about your culture, okay? What are some traditions and customs and like... whatever else?"

"Hm... you can't really summarize mermaids. I mean... well, we have a victory festival each year. It's the day we escaped from the humans, when they stopped killing us. We get together, eat a lot of food, play music, perform a theatric play about our victory, we and mourn the old king and queen that died trying to connect with humans and sometimes..." Komaeda sat up and trailed a finger down Hinata's chest. "...the prince or princess announces a relationship or an engagement," He said, smiling.

The water around Hinata's face almost started boiling from the heat rising to it. "Ahahahaha!" He laughed. "Engagement??"

"I mean, there's no rush..." he looked up at Hinata, flirty. "But we are together. We can announce that, can't we?"

"Won't the others have a problem with that? Since, you know... I'm a human,"

"They'll have to get over it." He kissed Hinata's cheek.

♡ Mermaid | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now