Chapter 2

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The next morning, I woke up and got dressed. I grabbed my bag and then made my way to the university for my classes. I want to be a doctor, so I'm in med school. I don't live far from the university, so I could walk to class. I stopped by the cafe on the way to get a coffee and bagel for breakfast. As I walked along the sidewalk, I heard the rumble of motorcycles coming up.

I looked back for a moment to watch them. They turned into the parking lot of a garage. I walked closer to it to get a better look. 'Hiroshi's Bike Garage.' I watched the guys get off their bikes and take their helmets off.

The redhead and blonde-haired guy from last night walked into the building. Two others walked in as well. The last one, he's in a black shirt and leather pants with black boots. He took off his helmet. His black hair fell down to his shoulders as he scooped it up and tied it in a bun.

'Hiroshi...' I thought. There was no mistaking the sleeve of tattoos on his arms. He walked into the garage slowly. I looked down slightly as I continued on my way to class. Well, now I know where his garage is. I tried to focus while I was in class, but I couldn't get my mind off the events from last night. I saw a side of Storm that I had never seen before. He was never possessive or abusive in the whole three years of being with him. After class let out, I slowly made my way back towards my apartment.

My arm was grabbed as soon as I stepped outside the building. "We aren't finished." Storm said sternly.

"Storm, give it up. We are through." I jerked my arm from his grip. "You clearly have changed or hid this side of you for a long time."

Storm closed the gap. "You are mine, Angel."

"No, I'm not." I stepped back. "Stay the hell away from me, Storm."

Storm grabbed my arm, and I smacked him. I took off running quickly. I glanced back for a second, then ran towards the garage. I stopped after I ran around the corner of it to catch my breath. I peeked around the corner, seeing Storm standing there looking around. When he spotted me, he ran right towards me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A guy with black short hair asked as he grabbed Storm by the back of the collar.

"Let me go bastard! I'm trying to get to my girlfriend." Storm snapped.

"Girlfriend? What girl?" The guy looked around then saw me. He chuckled. "Oh... Hiroshi! You need to see this!"

Hiroshi walked outside. "What is this piece of shit doing here?" He asked as he wiped his hands with a rag.

"Apparently, he's after her again." The guy gestured to me.

Hiroshi's dark eyes met mine then he looked at Storm. "Get inside, darling."

I slowly walked towards the door of the shop. Storm glared at me as he watched me. "She's my girlfriend... What part of that are you not getting?"

"Sweetheart, is this your boyfriend?" The guy looked back at me.

"We broke up when I found out he cheated on me."

"When was this?" The guy asked.

"Yesterday." I said.

"I see." He gave a nod then looked towards Storm. "What part of 'she wants nothing to do with you anymore' can you not comprehend?"

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