Grim Defeat

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[Outside of Hogwarts castle, an umbrella passes by as lightning strikes while Gryffindor and Hufflepuff play in the weather.]

Narcissa turned and glared at her son who flinched under his mother's rough gaze.

[In the stands, Ron and Hermione are cheering Avalon on as she flies by, chasing the Snitch along with the Hufflepuff seeker, Cedric Diggory. As she flies around, lightning strikes the broom of one of the chasers and she nearly hits Avalon as she goes down before Avalon flies up and follows Cedric past the stadium and into the clouds. The Professors and Governors look alarmed. Cedric gets struck by lightning and falls down, Avalon continues to fly through the storm to find the Snitch when she stops.]


"Why did you stop?" Tommy asked, though he probably knew it was something bad.

[In clouds was the form of the Grim that Avalon had seen in her cup earlier in the term. As the clouds roll away, the Snitch appears in front of her and Avalon races after it, going higher and higher. Her broom and glasses start to freeze over, meaning Dementors are not far away. An umbrella flies by Avalon, making her look back at it briefly as Dementors start to fly around her. One starts chasing Avalon as she urges her Nimbus to go faster against the wind and rain. She dodges another dementor before falling back with her broom as a whole bunch of Dementors appear and her eyes widen in fear before one appears in front of her, sucking her soul. Avalon hears the woman screaming again and lets go of her broom, falling limp and fast down towards the grounds as people scream and gasp in horror. Dumbledore stands up and points at Avalon.]


"OH MY GOD!" Several people cried out in horror. 

"AVALON!" Avalon's closest friends all yelled making the red head look at her friends. 

"I'm right here?!" Avalon said as casual as she could be.

"FUDGE!" Sirius and Remus yelled at the same time, glaring at the now sweating minister.

Ron: She looks a bit peaky, doesn't she?

Fred: Peaky?

George: What do you expect, she fell over 100 feet

Fred: Yeah, come on Ron. Let's walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see what you look like.

[Avalon opens her eyes.]

Avalon: Probably a right sight better than he normally does.

[Everyone laughs as Avalon sits up.]

Hermione: How are you feeling?

Avalon: Oh brilliant

Fred: You have us a right good scare there mate.

Avalon: What happened?

Ron: Well, you fell off your broom.

Avalon: Really, Ron? No, I meant the match...who won?

Hermione: one blames you, Avalon. The Dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds, Dumbledore is furious. As soon as he saved you, he sent them off.

Ron: There's...uh...something else you should know too. [Ron steps forward and shows something that was wrapped in blankets.] When you fell...your broom sort of blew....and sort of blew into the Whomping Willow.

[Avalon looks at her broom with sadness and sighs, falling back on the bed. Later on, she is seen walking with Professor Lupin outside.]

"At least it was the broom and not your life." Kimberly said as she hugged Avalon. 

"I am sorry for making you lose your broom, pup." Sirius apologized.

"You got me a better one." Avalon assured her godfather.

[Avalon and Lupin are walking in a forested area.]

Lupin: I'm sorry to hear about your broomstick. Is there no chance of fixing it?

Avalon: No. Professor, why do the dementors affect me so? I mean...more than anyone else?

Lupin: Listen, the dementors are the foulest creatures to walk this Earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory until a person is left with absolutely nothing but their worst experiences. You are not weak, Avalon. The dementors affect you most because there are true horrors in your past, horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Avalon: I'm scared, Professor.

Lupin: Well, I'd consider you a fool if you weren't.

Avalon: I need to know how to fight could teach me! You made that one on the train go away.

Lupin: There was only one that night.

[Avalon and Lupin pass by Hedwig who takes off flying again.]

Avalon: You made it go away...

Lupin: I don't pretend to be an expert, Avalon. But as the dementors seemed to have developed an interest in you...perhaps I should teach you. But after the holidays. For now, I need to rest.

"Oh, what is your patronus exactly?" Everyone looked at Avalon who smirked.

"You'll see."

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