Diagon Alley

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[Mrs. Weasley picks up a pot of the mantel.]

Mrs. Weasley: You first, Avalon dear.[offers Avalon a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Avalon frowns in confusion.]

Ron: But Avalon's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum.

Avalon: Floo Powder?

Mrs. Weasley: Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Avalon can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it.

Ron: Diagon Alley! [Ron throws down the Floo Powder and disappears in a burst of green flames]

Mrs. Weasley: You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go. That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly.

Avalon: Diagonally.

[Avalon disappears.]

"Avalon.....you're supposed to speak clearly."

"I KNOW! But I was scared, panicked and....well....you'll see." Avalon groaned.

Mrs. Weasley: What did she say, dear?

Mr. Weasley: "Diagonally"

Mrs. Weasley: I thought she did.

[Avalon lands in Borgin and Burkes, which is full of strange and sinister objects. Avalon looks around at them curiously. When she touches a disembodied hand, it suddenly grabs her.]

[The Malfoy are arriving, so Avalon quickly goes to hide in a cabinet. As Draco steps inside, he reaches forward to touch a weird statue, but Lucius swats his hand away from it with a snake-headed walking stick.]

Lucius: Don't touch anything, Draco.

Draco: Yes, Father.

[The shop's owner, Mr. Borgin, steps out.]

Mr. Borgin: Uh, Mr. Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again. And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, just in today and very reasonably--

Lucius: I'm not buying today, Borgin. I'm selling.

Mr. Borgin: Selling?

Lucius: Draco.

[Draco puts a box on the counter.]

Lucius: You are aware no doubt that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses. There's even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act.


"She lies! This is all a lie!!!!!!" Umbridge shrieked but no paid her any mind. 

Mr. Borgin: Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I'm afraid.

Lucius: Not with me. Anyway, I brought a few items from home that might prove, uh... embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Just poisons and the like.

[As Borgin looks through the objects, his eyes suddenly go wide.]

Mr. Borgin: Look at that!

Lucius: That particular item is not for sale.

Mr. Borgin: I don't understand. It has unique qualities. One wouldn't want to see it falling into the wrong hands.

[Draco is examining the cabinet where Avalon is hiding. Meanwhile, Lucius accepts a pile of coins from Borgin.]

Lucius: You can keep the box.

"You were hiding that whole time and didn't say anything?" Draco asked and Avalon shook her head.

"You can thank them for that....locked under a cupboard with threats of death if I made even a whimper of noise." Avalon said, pointing her thumb in the direction of the Dursleys. 

[Borgin smiles sinisterly. Lucius then turns to see Draco examining the cabinet.]

Lucius: What did I say?!

[While Lucius is distracted, Borgin takes back one of the coins, cheating him.]

Draco: Touch nothing.

Lucius: Exactly.

Draco: Sorry, Father.

Lucius: Come on, we're going.

[Lucius takes the coins and leaves.]

Mr. Borgin: [bowing] It's a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Malfoy. Always a pleasure.



A loud pop was heard and everyone turned to see an albino peacock where Lucius Malfoy once sat before people burst into laughter at the sight while Narcissa sat smugly next to it, the signature Black smirk on her face now. 

"She turned him into a peacock! Draco, I love your mother!"

[Avalon managed to sneak out of Borgin and Burkes, making her way down the alley seeing that she clearly was not in Diagon Alley but Knockturn Alley, a side street that was filled with dark magic.]

Old Witch: Not lost are you my dear? [Sees Avalon is clearly in distress] come with us, we'll help you find your way.

Avalon: No....no! Leave me alone!

Hagrid: (off screen) Avalon?

Avalon: [turns and sighs, running over to Hagrid as the others clear away from her.] I took floo powder and ended up here...I don't know where the Weasleys are or anything!

Hagrid: It's alright. I know where they are, let's go.

[Hagrid takes Avalon back to Diagon Alley.]

Avalon: Wait a moment...why were you there?

Hagrid: Oh uh needed to get flesh eatin' slug repelent...they eatin the cabbages at Hogwarts.

[Avalon turns and opens her arms right as Hermione runs to them and hugs Avalon closely.]

"It was bad down there. But thankfully there was Hagrid to save the day."

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