❀Ⅱ. Falling Star

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Petunias are in season this summer. Their purply-pink petals never once dishearten me. Maybe that's why Mr. S sent them. When I ran to the door that night, I was surprise to see a black car waiting for my arrival. Without wasting a second, I entered the car and never once look back. The car has built-in auto-drive technology and lead me to states away until we reach an airport.

I was not shock when I found my passport, ready with boarding ticket inside a file in the car. This is Mr. S we're talking about. My very own fairy godfather. At least that's how I often describe him.

I read the contents of the envelope when I safely boarded the plane. I read the letter word by word, my eyes grew larger as I was nearing the end.

"I got in!" Passengers all around me gave me an odd look. I apologized for my interruption and sat back on my seat, eyes still glued on the one sheet paper, chopped with Easthein High official stamp. Mr. S secretly sent my letter of introduction and his letter of recommendation on my behalf early this summer. I didn't expect I'd actually earned a spot.

After feels like an hour I drifted off and when I woke up, I saw an envelope rested on my lap. I looked over my neighboring seat mate but the poor old lady was heavily sleeping as if practicing for her funeral. I checked the contents and it was a letter from my savior.

Miss Claire Dupont,

I heard your call of dangers and lend help. Glad you made it in time. Everything is all sorted out and is waiting for your much anticipated entrance to society. However, I have one strict condition. Just like how Cinderella must return before midnight, you have a rule to be remind of too. Forget Claire Dupont because you are now Blake Anderson. Start afresh and chase your dreams. Be fearless, little one. I'll be with you, always.

Mr. S

That's not so hard to follow, in fact, I was about to do just that. I might wake up from this daze and overthink everything the next morning but I was just too tired. I had daydreamed this opportunity all my life, I won't let my indecisive brain ruin it, giving my heart space to take over.

"EA43 has safely landed to Easthein, make sure you wait the seatbelt sign to turned off before you take your hand-carries. The weather is currently too windy for summer, good for a new chapter of a journey. Lastly, welcome to Easthein, where dreams await."

The flight took a long six hours, enough rest to catch up on. Sleeping soundlessly was not my forte so I pray for the passengers nearby. With no need of queuing up for luggage, I was excused from the many avoided task after a flight. Only when I went out, I remember one crucial thing.


'Think straight, breath in. Now out. Everything is fine. Just focus and breath.'

Before my eyes fails me, a car honed to my direction. Jumping, my heart almost gave out. An old man exited the car and fetch my belongings to be put in the hood. Which is not much, only a plastic bag of free airline merchandises but it still feels odd. He guided me into the back seat and drove off when I'm buckled up.

"The mister congratulates your acceptance; he trusts you would love your new school." The driver spoke highly of his boss.

I only throw an awkward smile. Meeting new people is one of the many things I haven't mastered but it seemed I let my guard down easily as I enter any car that welcomes me.

During the one-hour ride, the man enlightens me about the beauty of the country, the hot spots tourists went to. I only listen even though I already knew this land from the back of my hand. Reading the other pages of the magazine really did help me in this part. Then, he explains the next steps I should make. Registering earlier due to special cases, I'll be more than ready once school starts.

I just had to memorize the maps. This school was used to be a castle but the founder, Duchess Fiona, rebuild what must and create this extraordinary school known widely by others. Entering the dorm/apartment I'll be staying in, my smile break when most of it is colored pink. Down to the rugs, chairs, bed and even toothbrush. I'm also a girl but I know my limit. Checking my roommates' name, I shivered. This girl's life must be all sunshine and rainbows.

Kind of reminds me of a little sister I left back home.

Half expecting my essentials to be readily prepared, I changed into a comfortable T-shirt and knee-length sweatpants I found int the closet. They fit almost perfectly.

The apartment consists of four bedrooms, one toilet and a room with a microwave and sink. That'll be the kitchen, I suppose. I lie down on the sophisticated pink bean bag after touring the apartment. It's perfect. After what seemed like an eternity spacing out, my nearly exploding bladder led me to the toilet. The summer down here feels like Christmas is near. There, I noticed a scissor, calling for my attention. Maybe it's time to try a new hairstyle. New school, new me kind of spur of the moment.

Too caught up in choosing a hairstyle to copy from my phone, I didn't notice the door opening and a girl entering.

"I knew I smell an intruder."

I flung the scissor out of my grip, thankfully the girl dug down at the right time. Fixing my hair and shirt, I extended a hand for introduction and truce.

"Name's Cla-Blake. I'm new here. Sorry for earlier." I throw the brightest smile, a sincere one. Not so much of a smiler my whole life, I afraid what it would come out.

She wore a black denim jacket with short tight skirt. That's one crossed out of the list of culprits.

"Yeah, I can tell." She stared me down, making me more subconscious. "I don't run a salon but I guess I can help. Sit down."

She moved a stool with one foot and flex the scissor that is now between her fingers. Based on her hairstyle, I can tell she cut it by herself but it gives a charismatic look. I'm not sure I can pull that off.

"Relax, you're in good hands. Any style in mind?" She checked the post on my phone and hummed in response.

Chunks of my auburn hair covered the floor like blanket. I saw her expert hands swayed doing god's work and obviously, she didn't lie. Looking through the reflection from the mirror in front, I noticed her hazel eyes, her golden locks she tried to hide, matching her long lashes. She's stunning. Her presence makes me feel so timid.

"Done." I stare into the mirror but I still see my old self just with puffed short hair above my shoulders. The stranger as if saw my dissatisfaction, scroll through my phone and show me an icon to all women. "I think this will suit you more."

For the next ten minutes. I already became a stranger. No, Blake Anderson to be exact.


I coughed out, surprised. "I'm sorry, what?"

"My name, it's Geor-Gia." She repeats, nearly annoyed. She went into her room as the long car ride finally took over her.

I on the other hand, tour around the castle, searching where my future classes would take place. 'it's for your own good.' The map on my hand starts to make sense the second round of my tour. After what seemed like an eternity, I am satisfied with what I had gathered and try to find my way back, without guidance this time. When I return, Georgia was engrossed in a movie in the living room. I was about to enter my room but she called my name and I instantly went to a halt and listen to her order. Out of habit, I guess.

"So, tell me, what's your history? New to town, a divorce...?" Georgia search for changes in my expression. "Guess not. Why are you here, then?" She munched a mouthful of popcorn, some slipped to the floor.

"Why are you?"

"Defensive. You just got more interesting by the second." She smiled, satisfied. Shifting her gaze back to the movie, I snuggled onto the couch joining Georgia. Nonetheless, any movie that took her attention seem to be worth the watch. We stayed there even after the movie marathon ended as both are too lazy to get up and snooze off. It's safe to say the loud snores overwhelming mine were Georgia's. Easthein High seem bearable. I hope following days will be just fine.

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