❀Ⅶ. Confront

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Georgia who tailed my worrying strides draw circles on my back as we behold the scene in front of us. How did I let this history repeats itself. Only this time, there were no torn papers on the floor nor destroyed equipment. All my drawings are gone. Vanished. Nada.

Specs of dusts were the only ones left in the studio and the single projector attached to the ceiling. The rest, disappear into God knows where. Blinking twice hard, I clear up my mind. The last time I went into this place was Friday morning. When did the burglar came? Headmaster eyed my condition and I abruptly stood up, composing myself. Looking into his eyes, I saw something much more painful. Suspicion.

Oh God.

"I don't know what happened. It's not like this when I left it. Please, trust me." Headmaster Salvador shook his head and laughed bitterly, staring down to his shoes.

"I was not worried about the room who had lost its purpose until recently, Miss Anderson. It's the least of my concern." He dusted a cobweb he found at a corner with his shoe. "What are you going to do next is what I'm more interested in."

There is no next. If it happens once, it's a coincidence. If it happens twice, it's a pattern. This scene, or something similar that I am so tired of watching would repeat as long as I continue this path. I'm cursed. Maybe because I rebelled and did it without my father's blessing, that's why every step I took, I would fall few steps back again.

"You're going to give up?" Gia asked, almost livid when she noticed my delayed response.

What's the use of continuing what is doomed to ruin. Before I could answer their questions and let them down all the more so, the bells signifying for next class rang and I never felt so relieved.

During Math, I zoned out most of the time. The professor tormented me by asking petty question every few minutes just to make sure my thoughts are back in class. Fortunately, I studied the materials beforehand so I won't sound as dumb. Yet, her eyes kept glancing my way. Thank God, it's the last class for today. I don't think, I can withstand any second of this throbbing in my head.

A bed is what my body craved right now. I just want to hid myself under the sheets and cried myself to sleep, hoping what I witnessed today is just one bad dream. If only.

After the dreadful class ended, I dump myself on a bench placed few steps from the class door. Students scurried to the cafeteria, securing the perfect table for dinner later. It makes me smile a bit. Georgia and the gang might do just the same.

Then I saw Sophie passing by but she ignored my stares and not be a nuisance as she usually does. Hugging my books tighter to my chest, I jogged to her side. "Sophie,"

"What now? Shoo," She glimpsed the ends of my long sleeves and increased her pace.

Since the day she had arrived with her twin, Sophie declared war with such little reasons. My sleepless night hearing her harsh words that pierced through my heart, her scowls that lead me to an obsession with mirrors, searching what is just so wrong with me. Sophie's haunting eyes meeting mine at last after I wrapped my fingers around her wrist, stopping her heels. My lips quiver as I try to master up the words I wanted to say.

"Where did you put them?"

Her left eyebrow arched. The minions behind her scoffed at me but I couldn't care less. With a lift of Sophie's finger, their taunts stopped then left us alone. Some bumped onto my shoulder as they pass.

"What are you on about, Anderson?" Her lips pursed to a straight line, irritated.

"My comics, they're gone." For a moment, she looks dejected but that's not going to fool me. "Where are they?" I repeated, gripping the ruffles on my skirt.

"You're accusing me?"

A sudden announcement interrupted us but my eyes on her didn't falter.

"Blake Anderson and Sophie Vasquez, please return to your quarters immediately."

My footsteps halted as Sophie's shadows bring us to our apartment. The headmaster greeted us with Georgia following behind. She rushed to my side and hooked her arm around my shoulder. 'What's going on?'

They didn't say a word but gestured us all to go into Sophie's room which she at first protested not to. My watery eyes darted straight to Sophie as soon as we enter. Large papers, I deemed as canvas' rested on her sparkly pink bed, all scribbled with incoherent sentences but I understand one word. Loser.

My vision was unclear but I can see Sophie shaking her head before my world went black and my knees buckled, my exhaustion finally take control.

My eyelids were exceptionally heavy but I am conscious. I can't move nor speak but able to sense movement near me. What feels like someone's palm rested on my forehead then I instantly miss its warmness when it's gone. A door opens and shuts as I return back to my slumber.

"It's not her," was the first thing I confirmed as soon as I found my voice back. It's 9PM and there's only an hour left before curfew. The headmaster who is standing beside me, also nodded.

The scene seemed so planned and phony. Someone set up a trap but I'm not sure whether my foot escaped their net completely. Sophie was the safest target, given the history but she's not someone who would step onto people's business that didn't intrigue her. Pouring soup on your head, yes but not stealing your homework's answers. She gets into this school for a reason.

I have someone on my mind but I'm too afraid to approach that idea.

My visitors left when they informed me what must. Given five days' rest, I relaxed a bit but saddened when remembering how much work I had to catch up on afterwords. The pillows in this infirmary should be regularly washed because I'm sure I smelled vomit. They said it's best to isolate myself from others first, due to safety measures. Is that why father thinks so?

My phone chimed, disturbing me from my thoughts.

Mr. S: Heard the news, I can handle it if you allow

Blake: I think I get it from here.

Always quick to everything but can't prevent the problem. For a fairy godfather, he lacked few skills but I can't complain because as do I.

Blake: can you send me some food?

For a long while, I waited for the food to come. It took too long until I reminisce old times. Father would scold me whenever I ate more than necessary yet yelled at me when I weigh less than I should've. It's official, I miss my family. I can't pretend any longer and bawled my eyes out. After being scolded, Brielle and Daphne would always come to my room and sooth my pain. I regretted coming here when I'm always back to square one. I should've listened-

A shadow loomed in front of the door, return me back to my senses. I wiped the tears from my face and pretend to be sleeping when the door opens. 'Please don't be a psycho killer, please don't be a psycho killer, please don't be a psycho killer'

"Hey, wake up. I know you're awake." Wyatt?

I abruptly sit right up and exactly as I expected, there he was sitting on the chair on my right. He looked troubled and tired, even more than I do. He threw what seem like a chocolate bar on my lap and eat one too. 'Am I in a dream?'

Nonetheless, I quickly take a bite and satisfy my hunger. Like a pig, if I could add. My phone chimed and I unlock it only to realize who I send my last text to.

Mr. Satan, aka Wyatt Fenning. I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or glad first but either way, I'm thankful that he's here so that I can ask what I wanted to since the incident back in the dorm.

"What do you know about Georgia Houston?"

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