❀𝟏𝟕. Held Accountable

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"With the power bestowed upon me by the...faeries of The Seven Land, I declared you as husband and wife."

"I don't want to get married!" I wailed, taking the veil off my head.

"You sure, kid?"

"Can we kiss now?" Wyatt finally breaks his silence, blushing.

"Don't even dream of it, Fenning."

Due to the commotion that I unwillingly participated in; I was obliged to attend counseling for an hour. To be frank, I kind of in severe need of it but the lecture I'm currently heeding is quite not the thing I expected.

The counselor is far from hearing my sides and throwing unreasonable assumptions instead. He mocked my reasons and suggest me some useful habits to control my lack of self-restrain. When I scoffed, he makes me attend another session so, for the rest of the reminding time, I only hear him defending Cassie. How I was older, and the way I handle the situation is cruel and may cause traumas. My ears almost bleed hearing him rambled on and on.

Running down the stairs to catch up the class that I'm almost late in, I stumbled onto Wyatt who I assumed is late too. Avoiding unnecessary arguments, I brush pass him with I hope is a poker face.

"Wait," I instantly halted like it is my second nature, following orders. Turning my heels, I expect to be greeted with a glare but it's quite the contrary.

"I can't help but to feel guilty. First, Georgia now, Cassie. But I guess, we're even now." He continues down the stairs but I pulled the hem of his shirt.

"Gia...yes, that's on you but by what reasons do you think Cassie tormenting me is on you? You gave too much credits on yourself, president. You think so highly of yourself that the thought of her jealous of me sounds ridiculous. Is that it?" He shook his head.


Growing up tanner than my siblings, I always picture myself as an ugly duckling. Different and unbefitting. Brielle and Daphne have gorgeous blond hair, matching mom and dad's. Somehow, when it comes to me, the gene is not switched on. Hence, envy is not an unfamiliar concept to me however, never have I be bold enough to believe I'll be the receiving end.

"Hate me all you like, roll your eyes or ignore me completely. They won't hurt me. Not even the slightest."

It's not rocket science to notice the shift in behavior around me. My peers' sorrowful eyes and pouting lips put me in an awkward position. They're the ones who painted me as all shades of guilty. How impressive that people can change in a day. I need to take notes from them more often.

As I enter second period, all of my classmates' gaze falls on me, some even move aside to not block my path. Few girls went to my table and declare their loyalties.

"I know there's something wrong with that kid. Want me to teach her a lesson during practice?" I had to fight back a smirk.

"That's not necessary, I haven't got the chance to talk with her yet."

Many expected pulling of hairs or shoving faces to walls but I'm not sorry to let them down. At some point, they take a part in condemning me.

As soon as I saw a second me swaying through the waves of people, I pulled her out of it, allowing her to breath.

"Blake..." I saw the glasses on her face and I immediately felt relief. She's back. My old, precious Cassie is back. The pressure of the school forced on her is gone. She is no longer pulling a façade to keep the fake reputation she built for the sake of other people.

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