With the end of every story comes new beginnings

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Karma's point of view

"We're all friends now right?" I asked Atlantis as we walked besides Tavern, Timothy, Jinxy, and her girlfriend Maxxy.
"Yeah. I think everything's water under the bridge, plus, I realized I was way too cool for him in the first place," Atlantis laughed. I nodded my head and exhaled.
"I feel like everything's just changed so fast, it's only been two months," I said quietly.
"Well, things..." Atlantis looked over his shoulder and saw Timothy and Tavern holding hands and laughing while talking, "things change," he smiled softly.

"Why?" I asked under my breath.
"Why... what?" Atlantis responded.
"Why are you happy? He's with someone else now, why are you smiling?" I elaborated. Atlantis shrugged at that and continued to smile.
"I'm happy to see a friend happy, you know? Doesn't hurt any less but... yeah," he looked down at his hands and we continued to walk.
I felt bad for him, even though he didn't seem to feel too bad for himself.

The rest of the time we were hanging out was nice. We went to an arcade and had some fun. I remember playing dance dance revolution with Atlantis. That was a blast. It was like evil dance dance rev though so every time we made a wrong move we got electrocuted. Hell is great.

After a few hours we all decided to head home. When we got back to our house I flopped onto the couch while Tavern started making dinner. Atlantis came and sat next to me while sharpening his blade. I felt this urge to spend time with Tavern. Maybe it was my heightened senses warning me what was soon to come, or maybe I just felt like spending time with my brother. Regardless I got up and helped him cook.

"Thank you Karma, you've been really helpful," Tavern said while finishing up the food, "I'll serve everyone, just head to the table."
"We're eating at the table?" I asked.
"Yeah, I had something to tell you two," he said.
"Okay," I shrugged. Atlantis and I both walked over to the table. I sat down and Tavern came over and served us.

"So... what's up?" I asked.
"I'm..." he sat down and smiled nervously, "moving out!"
"What?!" I asked in shock.
"Oh Tavern, that's great! I was thinking about moving back up to earth to try and rebuild my life there," Atlantis smiled.
"Woah, woah, woah, hold on now-" I started, but it was as if neither of them heard.
"Yeah, I'm gonna move in with Jinxy and Timothy, they're always on the move for performances and I think they could use a bodyguard," Tavern said.

"Oh you'd be a great bodyguard," Atlantis nodded.
"Guys?" I asked.
"Yeah, I know right?" Tavern said, completely ignoring me, "what do you plan on doing when you get to earth."
"Not too sure yet-" Atlantis started but I shook my head and stood up.
"You two are joking right? What about the fordamian rejects-" I scoffed, "what about us? What about... what about me?" I shouted.

"Well... that's it. We're done, you know? We're gonna go our separate ways and... live our lives?" Atlantis explained.
"You guys can't just leave me alone! That's just... I thought..." I sputtered.
"Come with one of us then," Tavern shrugged.
"What? No! I can't just choose I.." I sat back down with a sigh, "when are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow," Tavern said, clearing off his plate.
"Tomorrow?!?" I said in shock.

And surely enough, the next day had arrived. As I helped Tavern pack his things he tried to reason with me and convince me to go with him, but I've always hated traveling.
"Do you have to go?" I asked.
"'Ey Tinytusks," he sighed and packed the final box into the car, "it isn't goodbye forever. I'll come back soon, alright?"
At first I shook my head, not believing him, but as I pulled him into a hug I had a feeling everything would be okay.

I tried to hold back my tears but I ended up standing there and crying for about ten minutes after he drove away. Atlantis stood there with me just taking it all in. When we went inside I watched him pack his bags up, he'd be leaving the next day.
When he was ready to leave in the morning I remember he left me with a note, 9,000 hellbucks, a camera, and his obsidian blade.

I woke up and saw the objects laying on the counter, I immediately went for the note.
It read,

Hey kid. Sorry, I would've woken you up but for once you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't wanna mess that up. I hope you can forgive me for moving, I wanted to take you with me but you seemed so against it. If you ever changed your mind though, you know how to contact me. Take care of yourself, will you? I set you up with some hell-money I had saved. Won't be needing it anymore. And make sure to take good care of my blade, it was a prized possession of mine.
Rock on,
Atlantis Ryder

I smiled at that and then folded the note and put it away. I sat back down on the couch after putting the money somewhere safe and sat there. The house was empty, and so was my heart. I knew it was my own fault for not going with one of them but I couldn't help feeling sorry for myself. I looked up at the ceiling fan and watched it spin.

Around and around.

In a cycle.
I thought of life, how it's a cycle. You suffer and suffer and then suffer a little more. Sometimes you'll even die and continue to suffer, and I guess that was the situation I had because I couldn't seem to catch a break. I kept getting myself into trouble, losing loved ones.

I tried to cope, I really did. But months passed and I started to turn cold. I felt unloved and alone at that point. I remember when my fifteenth birthday came and I was completely alone. I was going to just sit in my room all day and watch TV while eating ice cream, but instead I got up and went to get some fresh air.

I went to a park I remembered visiting with Tavern and Atlantis and sat down. I started playing my guitar to clear my head. I stopped for a moment and went on my phone. I saw about seven voicemails from Tavern. I played the most recent one.

"Hey Karma, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I haven't heard back from you in forever. I'm... well I guess I'm starting to worry for ya' kid, to be honest. I feel bad for leaving, I wish you would have come with me. You would've loved life on the road performing almost every day... yeah... I guess that's it, call me when you can, 'kay? Love you, bye,"

I set my phone down, I felt the urge to reach out to him and just tell him everything I've been feeling. Let it all out, you know? But I didn't, I thought it to be a weak move. I just continued playing my guitar. With every strum I sort of let loose, the pain I felt started to fade, though just for a moment. That all stopped when I realized I was just playing the acoustic version of a Fordamian Rejects song. At first I found it funny but then I started to realize that it was really over.

At first I thought I would be alone forever.
That was until I saw a familiar face in the distance. A person that seemed to be staring into my soul. When they came closer I realized exactly who it was.

It was none other than Renna herself! Though she looked different, a new outfit and hairstyle, I knew right off the bat that it was her by the markings on her arm reading REN5.
"Karma?" I heard her ask.
"Renna!" I smiled.
We both started to run towards each other simultaneously. She pulled me into a tight embrace and I looked up at her in awe. I placed a gentle hand on the side of her face.
"Are- are you real?" I asked, nearly breathless.
"No, I'm a robot," she joked.
"Don't mess around like that," I laughed while pushing her off of me slightly.

"I've looked everywhere for you," She laughed, "well, actually, it's not only me who's looked everywhere for you."
I tilted my head to the side in confusion as two familiar faces walked out from behind her. I backed away for a moment and then saw it was Booth Brentwood and my older sister Zee. My jaw dropped as I saw the three of them altogether.

It's been a year since that day and I must say that everything is great.
My friend group is practically a family to me. I feel loved and even when things go wrong we always find a way to work it out. We also made our own band, we're called the broken halos since we're all technically fallen angels (besides me, I still have no idea what I am, and frankly I don't want to know). I still talk to Atlantis and visit Tavern whenever he's in town. Along with that, Renna and I are know in a loving relationship and I cherish every moment I have with her.

Life may have its ups and downs but I love where I'm at right now. To anyone going through it you can trust me when I say it gets better. You won't be alone forever, and when you finally find your people it's only up from there, and I hope that you can take that away from the story of A Girl Called Karma.

What a ride, hope y'all enjoyed it, I did my best.
To J: thanks for your constant support and everything you've done to help.

Stay tuned for Forever Lost.

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