Justice soon to be served

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K.O/ Karmas point of view

There I was, back at square one. Parker had the nerve to abandon me without a second glance. My first week back was probably the worst. I was so emotional and bitter. I spent all my free time hiding in the library. Life became so repetitive and I was stuck in a cycle of endless darkness and despair. That was until a few years later, when I found a light. It was my 13th birthday which, technically I shouldn't be counting because I wasn't exactly born, I was created in a lab and I am ageless. I still count my years though, you know, for sentimentality. I was looking for a specific book. I tried to take the book off the shelf, it was titled "Beginners guide to rebellion". A story about Vanessa Hyranite, a 16 year old girl is a world of pure injustice. Kindness and affection had become so rare and everything was too structured for anyone to be anything out of the norm. The girl decided she wanted to stand out. She escaped execution and gave the world back its color. I hoped one day to be Vanessa Hyranite, but I must've looked past the things she had to do to have enough power to better the world at the time..

As I was pulling the book out I felt someone tug it back from the other side. It was a back and forth until I eventually tugged it all the way and looked through the empty space left by the book. No one was on the other side, until the person popped up from the furthest side of the bookshelf. She stood at about 5'5, wore a red hat paired with a cropped white tank top and black cargo pants. It was a hot day so she had her red sweater wrapped around her waist and was wearing long black fingerless gloves. One of her eyes had a strangely shaped pupil and she had one horn sticking out of the right side of her head.
"Hiya!!" She said,
I yelped and fell over, she walked over to the other side to greet me, shaking my hand vigorously. "I'm Renna! I'm guessing you wanna run away too? What a coincidence, huh?" She said cheerfully.
"Shhh! Keep it down!!" I whispered worriedly.
"Sorry! What's your name?"
"K.O, experiment code Ko1, or knockout if you're unlucky." I said, crossing my arms.
"Hm.... I'm gonna call you Karma, Karr, Karimaloomadingdong" she said.
"...why?" I said.
"I dunno! Just feels right" she smiled.
"Alright, sure, whatever." I said.
"Hm... are you a loner?" She said, following after me as I tried to walk away.
"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you a loner? You know, a lone wolf, you walk the lonely road, the only road that you have ever known-" she responded but I cut her off.
"I find peace in my own company."
"Oh yeah? Your expressions sayin' otherwise." She said,

I had started smiling! I was confused, I hadn't smiled in forever. Why then?
I sighed, "maybe I'd like a little company.." I said.
"Yay!" She cheered.
"Quiet company." I snapped.
"Oh, got it, I'll be quiet as a mouse." She said
We stayed silent for a moment until I chose to speak up.
"So... do you wanna.. you know.. run away?" I asked quietly.
She didn't reply.
"You can talk now" I said.
"Oh! Yeah I do! I even got a plan!"
"Nonsense, I've tried for years to form a plan to no avail" I said,
"Oh really, I must be a genius then considering it only took me four months!" She chuckled.
That sent me into a sense of shock.
"....I'm sorry, what?"
"Yeah! It's really simple actually." She said matter-of-factly.
"Well.... Spill! I need to get out of this place!" I said defeatedly.
"There's a difference between want and need." She said, getting close to me and looking me up and down, "you need it?"
"More than anything." I sighed in exhaustion.
She examined me closely with a look of suspicion, and then grinned. 
"Follow me" she said, walking off.

We walked into one of the bathrooms and I looked in the mirror as Renna was discreetly taking out the cameras. I hadn't looked in the mirror in a while. I did everything I could not to look in one. I didn't look the same. I don't know, I looked too 13. Even though I was 13 but still. I was wearing a creamish-white top, with a flannel and long jean shorts. I had a few bandaids on my legs from cutting myself shaving, then one on my face from trying to round out the sharp edges of my tusks. My hair had grown too long for my own liking and I was tempted to sneak over to Cole's shop to get it cut.
No. I hate Cole. I thought every time I would consider it.
Renna walked past me and looked in the mirror as well, leaning over me.
"I wish I was as beautiful as you. You're stunning.." She said,
"Would you just tell me your plan?" I asked, my face turning red.
"Oh yeah! Sorry. So basically, who's the guard we all hate the most?"
"Mr. Smith?" I asked,
"No, the other one" she said,
"Mr. Reynolds?" I asked again,
"Bingo! So I'm personally good friends with the guy in the sports office, Mr. Hunt. So I'll ask to borrow a bat for an open-field game of baseball. We'll go to the security office, hit the guard there, which is usually Mr. Reynolds. We'll open the gates, climb into garbage bags, and when the janitor takes it out we'll rip out the bag and take off."
"And when we leave, what happens then?"
"I know a place we can stay. So? You're in?" She said playing with a strand of my hair. I grabbed her wrist and pushed it away from me. "Fine." I said. When she pulled her wrist back and jammed her fist in her pockets she grinned widely, flashing her sharp white teeth.
"Meet me at 4:30am by the library, that's right before the guards report to their stations, be sneaky." She said before walking out, humming "The Scientist" by Coldplay. I watched her leave in spite of myself. What a birthday that was. I mean, I got the one thing I wanted. A little hope, and half a plan.

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