Nobody said it was easy

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Renna's point of view

"Out of my way, buggy-eye!" My antagonistic girlfriend said.
"Natalie, I asked you to stop calling me that, and..." I started but hesitated to say what was next.
"And? Can't you see I'm busy-"
"I know you cheated on me with TJ!" I shouted. She went silent.
"We're done Natalie, I'm breaking up with y-" she kicked me to the floor immediately after I said that. I used something to help me get up and ran out of the area. I ran to my room and closed and locked the door. Natalie started pounding on it and I couldn't help but start to cry. I pulled out my journal and it all started to come to me. I needed to leave, stat.

I wrote down a practically fool-proof plan. That orphanage was awful. The kids were mean, cruel and ruthless. So were a lot of the teachers. There was no one I liked there, besides my language arts teacher Ms. Wash, she really cared about me and all of her other students. I was lucky to have her, she was someone I could trust. I even told her my plan the next day, she said it wasn't a good idea but she'd support me and do anything she can to help. I took three weeks to iron out the plan, and one day I remembered a book that could offer me some ideas. "A beginners guide to rebellion" was that book.

I went to the library to find it, and when I grabbed the book, something, someone was tugging it from the other side. I found it amusing. Another runaway, like me. Eventually after a little back and forth I let go of the book and whoever was on the other side got it. I went around the bookshelf to see who my tug-o-war opponent was. I saw a beautiful girl who stood at about 4 '11, she had different colored eyes, a freckled face and black and red hair that was long and wavy.
"Hiya!" I said with a grin.
She yelped and fell over when I appeared out of nowhere.

I got down to her level and shook her hand.
"I'm Renna!" I picked up the book from her side and looked at the cover, then the back. "I'm guessing you wanna run away too? What a coincidence, huh?" I said, my grin only widening with the shock on her face. She snatched the book back swiftly,
"Shh! Keep it down!" She said in a frustrated whisper. "Sorry! What's your name?" I asked.
She stood up and dusted herself off, though she didn't have any dust on her. I noticed she had tusks and they looked nice on her, part of me wondered if they were sharp enough to cut but I figured it'd be rude to ask.
She responded, "K.O, for experiment code Ko1, or for knockout if you're unlucky." She crossed her arms. I thought, I like her, she's cool. But I figured the name could use a switch up, she had this look in her eyes. You could tell that she's been treated badly before. You could tell that she wanted revenge. So did I. I thought for a moment and then came up with something.

"Hm.. I'm gonna call you Karma! Karr! Karimaloomadingdong!" I exclaimed. She looked confused. "...why?" She said,
I simply shrugged and said "I dunno! It just feels right"
"Alright, sure, whatever" she said, starting to walk away.
"Are you a loner?" I asked,
"Are you loner? You know, a lone wolf, you walk the lonely road, the only road that you have ever known-" I started but she cut me off and looked back at me quickly,
"I find peace in my own company." She said, but by then she'd started smiling and laughing a little as she said that.
"Oh yeah? Your expressions saying otherwise" I teased, she shook her head and looked up at me,
"...maybe I would like a little company" she said quietly,
I cheered but she then said,
"Quiet company."
"Got it! I'll be quiet as a mouse."
The silence then started to become deafening as she looked for a few more books.
She then decided to say something,
"So... you know, run away?" She asked,
I stayed silent to mess with her.
"You can talk now!" She laughed,
"Oh yeah! I do, I even got a plan!"
"Nonsense, I've tried for years to form a plan to no avail." She said,
I hesitated before saying what I was gonna say next, I decided to lie about how long it took me to form the plan to make her feel a little better,
"Oh well, I must be a genius considering it only took me... 4 months." I said,
"...I'm sorry, what?" She exclaimed,
"Yeah, it's simple really" I said,
"Well... spill! I need to get out of here!" She said in defeat.
I smirked a little,
"Well, there's a difference between want and need" I leaned towards her, glancing her up and down for effect, "do you need it?"
"More than anything"
I looked at her in short-lasting suspicion and then nodded
"Come on, follow me." I said before walking off,
I couldn't tell if this girl liked or hated me, but I was fine with either option as long as she was looking my way. We walked into the bathroom and I made sure we were alone and blocked the cameras. I noticed her looking in the mirror, the look on her face so solemn and bleak. I leaned over her shoulder and spoke softly, "I wish I was as beautiful as you. You're stunning.."
"Would you just tell me your plan?" She asked hurriedly, her face turning red.
I went on to tell her my plan and do my best to get her laughing, or at least smiling. Once I finally got her on board, I told her where to meet me the next morning and what time. When I turned to walk away I was listening to the song "The Scientist" by Coldplay,
I started humming it as I walked out. That night, Natalie started blowing up my phone. I went to talk to her in person to tell her to leave me alone after she used my friend's phone to text me when I blocked her. I told her I wasn't getting back with her, she said she'd kill me if I didn't. I told her she couldn't kill me if she tried. She leaned uncomfortably close to me and said, "you wanna bet?"
Indeed I didn't. I shoved her as hard as I could and hit a dead run. I texted Karma a few times with the number I got from another orphan. She didn't text back so I tried to find out what her room number was and when I found it I walked in. I woke her up and she nearly jumped out her skin. I told her we had to go, and that there was a change of plan because of a different schedule. I couldn't help but lie. We got out of her room and my plan worked almost perfectly, despite the fact we had to kill a guy. It was a nice walk to the experiment kid house, she was real quiet. I lent her my jacket because of how cold it was, I never was really bothered by the cold.
We got to the house and found our room, she had forgotten her sleeping bag. I was willing to share. I really didn't mind.

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