Chapter 13

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The day had felt very long and very dead. The only interesting thing that had happened was the small interaction I had with the guy at my work early in the morning when I had first started my shift.

Ever since then my life had gone back to the same boring routine.

But my mind never left the young guy who had came in and asked for my number.

My mind trailed off about him, then off to the man in the ghost face mask then off to Obito. All of them had felt similar and familiar, the connection I felt with every single one of them had me slowly connect the dots inside of my own head.

All three of them were connected. Of course I knew that about Obito and the mysterious masked man but when talking to... Sasuke was his name, it made everything make more sense.

Obito... Michael Myers mask.

Sasuke... Jason Voorhees mask.

Yet the Ghost face mask was still a faded mystery I had yet to solve.

Another thing to solve was how all three of them felt so similar and yet felt so different at the same time. How can I feel a connection so refreshing with each of them was beyond me. I felt somewhat stupid and somewhat embarrassed about the whole ordeal that was slowly turning into a four some.

But at the same time I couldn't help but feel excited. I never felt such a way towards anyone the way that I did with Obito and the unnamed one. Sasuke was a different story, someone new added to the plot that was thickening every time I see one of them.

This was something I didn't want to lose at the moment. It was the only exciting thing happening in my life at this very moment and I was desperate to see it through even if it could possibly lead into something terrifying and harmful.

As I remembered Sasuke's words about wanting to go to the party tonight, I had waited for the anticipated text. I had gone to the dumb party for the third time, dressed in something different but basic, not wanting to spend my time or money on yet another costume for this month.. I'll just have to either make do or recycle some costumes.

I stood inside of the kitchen with my roommate and some other friends that had tagged along.

My roommate Kira had finally made it official with her occasional hook up Naruto.

I still have yet to see Kiba, something I've noticed while standing amongst the group we always hang out with from time to time.

The others brushed it off, they continued to say Kiba was just running around probably finding girls to hook up with, they were probably right.

Neji had tagged along, something that made me feel a tad awkward because him and I had somewhat of a past in high school. What Kira and Naruto had the last few years is what Neji and I had. The friends with benefits, the unsaid feelings then the awkward friendship where we avoided each other altogether.

The tension was still there but I wasn't entirely bothered with him being there because my mind was elsewhere thinking about whether or not Sasuke was going to come and if the connection I felt towards Obito and the unnamed one would be the same towards Sasuke.

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