Chapter 20

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The rage that was building inside of me as I stood inside of her empty apartment was suffocating. I wanted to explode and as I started to feel my limbs shake violently while I stared down at the laptop screen of the articles Shisui had spoken about, that was when my vision began to turn black.

I picked up the laptop, tossing it to the wall as it shattered upon impact. Next, I grabbed the coffee table and flipped it over on the floor, trying to find anything that can help me release my anger.

"Hey, stop." Sasuke said, grabbing my arm before I destroyed more of her apartment.

I couldn't help what I felt inside of my body, the way I wanted to torture and rip Shisui's skin off of his bones slowly and watch the agony on his face as I take my time to end his pathetic life.

I knew he only did this to upset us, to get back at us but for some reason I didn't think he would actually go through with this brain dead plan he had came up with. I couldn't believe Madara had agreed to this but I also knew that he couldn't give a shit about what happened as long as his business was fine.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." I muttered under my breath, my breathing heavy as my panting filled the empty room.

"We need to think logical on this or else she's dead." Obito spoke. He was telling the truth but I didn't like hearing that right now.

The thought of her turning up dead made my stomach twist and it made the anger boil inside of me to the brink of collapsing and send me on a rampage. I didn't expect to react or feel like this but as I stood in the middle of the room, I felt every single stupid emotion a normal person would.

And that made me feel disgusting.

All those emotions my father had swiped away from me at a young age. The emotions I got rid of long ago to not show weakness, to not show hardly anything. But now I stand here, my weakness being Y/N and now that she was at risk of being killed- I felt useless and powerless.

I felt like I was being beaten down by my father all over again and I fucking hated that, I killed him for that and now here it is again.

After a moment of silence, Obito's cell phone started to ring and as we all looked down at the screen, Shisui's name was displayed across it making each of us tense up beside each other.

"What do you want from us, Shisui?" Obito said, the phone call on speaker.

"For you all to do your jobs, easy as that." He chuckled through the phone, making my hands clench into fists once again.

"I should rip out your fucking eyes and shove them down your throat." I threatened him, hearing his laugh get a little louder.

"You know, Itachi, I always told myself I would never mess around with you because I know just how dangerous you really are inside of that sick psychotic head of yours... but the fact that even as someone as evil as you has a weakness, it's intriguing." Shisui said, only fueling what I felt deep inside.

"Where is she?" Obito asked, ignoring the stupid short rant he had just went on.

"Do as I say and I might consider letting her go." Suddenly the phone went dead as he hung up in Obito's face.

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