Chapter 28

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I caught Harold at the hotel counter talking to a receptionist when I arrived inside the hotel. His face were red as he tried to widened his eyes. His hair were messy like it was sabotage by someone. My forehead creased. Did he fight over someone?

With his face I could tell that the idiot is wasted. His eyes were glossy and drooping but he really tried to keep it wide open as he giggles in front of the lady that also seems enjoying talking to him.

I shook my head when he almost fell on the floor if he didn't held onto the white sofa beside the counter where he stood at. Instead of worriying his state but he still smiled despite his condition. I just shrugged my shoulder as I took a step closer to where he is.

"Ang ganda ng crush ko diba? Tapos ang talino pa wala akong binatbat." He uttered then he laughed. 

The woman just smile at him but the way her lips twitched didn't passed on my eyes.
Harold's face almost sank into the counter where the lady was staring at him. Tsk.

"Kaya siguro hindi niya ako magawang magustuhan. Iyong mga tipo niya students ganon. Eh kaya ko naman 'yon! Balak ko nga mag shift ng course baka sakaling magustuhan niya ako kapag engineering na ako... ang tanga ko diba? Magugustuhan na niya kaya ako pag ginawa ko iyon?" I could feel the bitterness and sadness in his tone of voice.

He laughed a bit before his head fell on the counter completely. I heaved a deep sigh before I walked towards him. The woman even jumped in shocked when I went to Harold that already lost its consciousness. What he is doing inside the hotel?

I mouthed to the receptionist that I'm his friend. Good thing she immediately believe me when I said so. She didn't even ask me any question after I ordered my driver to lift up Harold's body and put it inside the car. So that's it? He is drunk because of his so called crush, huh?

I couldn't help but feel sad while watching his face sleeping soundly. It's unrequited love, then? But by how the girl surveyed me during which we met in the hallway screams jealousy. That is impossible. How come it's unrequited? I can tell it from her eyes. That she has feelings also.

Nine o'clock in the evening when we reached Harold's house. One of the maid quickly opened the door for me when I rang the doorbell. Some of their staffs here already know me because we hangout here mostly. If not at Silas' house, then at his house or ours. The only place we couldn't almost go to was the twins because their parents were quite strict.

After dropping off my friend at their house I also went home straight. The mattress of the bed seems so soft and comfortable that made me sleep as soon I lay down on my bed. Wishing a good dream, tonight but little did I know that I was hoping for a sweet dream and it gave me a a terrifying nightmare instead.

My other brow rise up when a lot of eyes stare at me as soon as I set my foot inside the campus. My forehead furrowed as I stared back a them. What the hell is there problem? Am I that beautiful so stared at me that they gazed me openly?

Amidst the uncomfortable feeling they been giving I continued to walked in the hallway of the school with the head held high. The chirping of heels prevailed in my ears ignoring the curious and judmental eyes. However, the moment I was about to took another step to savor the attention  I was receiving someone pulled my hand out of nowhere.

"What the fv—" Silas cut me off.

"Shhh... Aren't you aware of what's happening? Aren't you?" He snapped.

His eyes turned to pitch black as he brush his hair impatiently. My lips separated, wondering what he meant by that. He leered at me sharply.

"Hindi mo nga talaga alam?! Tungina! Saan na ba ang gagong Harold na 'yon?!" I jumped when his voice roared.

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