Chapter six

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Michelle's POV

After my aunt and uncle explained everything (which I still don't understand but I just left it like that) I am laying down on my bed. I got up and checked the time. 5:30. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I heard a knock. I left the bathroom and stood in front of my door not opening it.

"Michelle, there are 7 people waiting for you." My aunt said.

"Please tell them to leave." I said.

"Come on honey. Cheer up." My aunt said. I opened my door and saw my aunt smiling widely.

"Let's go." I said.

We went downstairs only to see Luke, Michael, Calum, Ashton, a boy, a girl, and a woman.

"Michelle?" The woman asked. I nodded and she ran to me hugging me.

"I'm your mom. This is Harry and Lauren. They are your siblings. Along with Ashton." She said.

"My mom? So where's my dad?" I asked.

That's when there was silence.

"Our dad... He is resting..." Ashton trailed off.

"In peace." My mom finished the sentence.

I still don't get it. I seriously don't. What is happening? Why am I being told now? So many questions start going through my head. I start to get dizzy a little. My head start to pound. As it does my vision starts to become blurry.

"Michelle are you okay?" I hear Luke ask... though his voice was fading.

I hear more fading voices before I pass out.

Ashton's POV

"Michelle!" I yelled.

Michelle just passed out. I picked her up and laid her down on the couch. Michelle's face looks so pale. I hope she is okay. But the thing is what caused her to pass out?

~5 hours later~

"Derek back away! You fucking killed her! Why are you stopping me from leaving?! Why did you kill her?!" I hear Michelle yell. Who is Derek? Who did he kill? I got up and went up to Michelle.

"Derek back away! Let me leave! I don't want to be near a guy who killed my best friend! You killed Dylan's girlfriend!" Michelle yelled and she got up gasping for air. I hugged her quickly and she started crying.

"Shh. It's okay. It was just a dream." I said. I rubbed her back and she pushed me away.

"It wasn't a dream..." Michelle trailed off.

" was a flashback." She finished.

I hugged her again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"I told you already. I told you what happened. I told you everything." Michelle said.

"Oh yeah." I said. That's when I remembered who Derek was and who he killed.

"Wait. What happened? Why is my head pounding like hell?" She asked.

"Michelle you passed out." I said.

"What? Why? How?" Michelle asked.

"Michelle just calm down." I said.

"Not until someone explains to me everything. My aunt already explained but I still don't understand." She snapped.

"Just rest. You have school tomorrow. I'll explain everything when you come from school. Yeah?" I said.

Michelle sighed but nodded. Everyone left one hour after Michelle fainted. But I didn't. Luke and Michael wanted to stay but I told them that she will be okay.

"Okay. I'm going to go but call me if you need anything or if something happens." I said. I was about to go when Michelle said four words I was hoping she would say.

"Please stay with me."

Michelle's POV

~next day at school~

Right now I'm grabbing my things for English class. I close my locker and started walking when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I want paying attention." I said. I looked up to see a boy with a flower crown, black sweater and purple leggings.

"I'm Tom. As you can see I'm gay." He said.

"Your gay? I always wanted a gay friend." I said. I smiled and he smiled back.

"My name is Michelle by the way." I said.

We shook hands and the bell rang.

"Well see you at lunch." I said.

"Okay." Tom said. I went to class and sat next to beck. We have every class together. Mr. Bean (funny and weird name) soon came in and started with the class.

~skip to lunch~

"Hey Tom." I said.

"Hey michy." Tom said.

"Hey beck." I said. I waved at her to come here. Beck came to where I am.

"Beck this is Tom. Tom this is beck." I said.

They shook hands. Both of them got up.

"Aren't you going to get lunch?" Tom asked.

"Not hungry." I said. They nodded and went to get lunch. I was waiting when my phone was ringing. Who would be calling? Everyone knows I'm in school.

I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I asked. As soon as I heard the voice I cried. It was a voice I've been dying to hear.

"Hi Michelle. It's me. Nathaly Hemmings." She said. Beck and Tom came back and saw me crying.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked. I got up and told Nathaly to hold on. I told tom and beck that I'll be skipping the rest of school day. I grabbed my things and ran to my car and drove off to my house.

Once I got to my house. I ran to my room.

"Nathaly. I miss you." I said. I was still in tears.

"I miss you too." She said.

"Are you coming back?" She asked.

"I will. For you. I promise. I won't break that promise. I really miss you." I said.

"When?" She asked.

"Honestly I don't know. I am having so much in mind. I mean I just found out something I wasn't expecting." I said.

"What?" Nathaly asked.

"I found out that I have one sister and two brothers. A sister who is younger than me. A brother who is younger than me. A brother who is older than me and is in a band." I said.

"What?!" Nathaly yelled.

"That was my reaction when I found out by my own brother. His friends didn't even recognize me either. That was when we played a game and I told them my full name. Everything was just confusing. I passed out when I saw my two other siblings and my mom." I said.

Nathaly laughed and I joined in. I mean it is kind of funny how I passed out. We continued to talk to each other until I had to go. I hear the door open and I was downstairs. I see my aunt and uncle and they saw me.

"Hey sweetie. Heard you skipped the rest of the day." My aunt said.

That's when a tear came out and my uncle saw me.

"Were you or are you crying?" My uncle asked.

"I am crying." I said. I sniffled and my aunt and uncle come and hug me.

"Why?" My aunt asked.

"Someone called me." I said.

"Who?" My uncle asked.


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