Chapter twenty eight

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~ Michelle ~

"Ashton. I have to tell you something." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"On the flight, I had a panic attack." I whispered.

"Are you kidding me!? More problems with you!? I've had enough with you!" Ashton yelled which made me flinch.

"W-what are y-you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm tired of always trying to help but I can't find ways to help you anymore. I wish you never came back! I wish you stayed where you belonged! As a matter of fact, go back to New Jersey! I don't care! Just leave!" He yelled.

"Ashton." I cried.

"Leave! And forget we exist! We never cared for you! We just pitied you!" He snapped.

"You don't mean it!" I cried.

"Yes I do!" He yelled.

"No you don't!" I yelled.

I woke up gasping for air.

I noticed I was in the hotel and in my room.

When did we get here?

Ignoring how I got to the hotel, I cried.

I just had a nightmare about my own brother telling me he didn't care about me and all because I didn't tell him about me having panic attacks.

I texted Ashton.

Me: Ashton. We need to talk.

Ashy❤️: I'll be there in a minute x

I left the door unlocked and went back to the bed.

I wiped my tears and a knock on the door was soon heard.

"Come in." I said.

Ashton came in and sat on the bed.

"What's up?" He said.

"I had a nightmare." I whispered.

"Where you told me you didn't care about me." I added.

"You said I should've stayed in New Jersey. That you had enough of me." I continued.

I was crying at this point.

Ashton hugs me tightly.

"No no. Michelle, you know I do care about you. Hell I would've gone crazy if you died in that tornado. You had no idea how happy I was and still am that aunt Elizabeth said you were with her. Michelle, I'm so happy that we got you back." He said.

"Ash... there's something I've been hiding." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"W-well on the flight.... I-I had a p-panic att-attack." I whispered.

"Why d-didn't you t-tell me?" He asked, voice breaking.

"Ashton the dream wasn't just a nightmare. It's how I feel. I feel like at any moment you'll just burst and tell me you don't care and you want me to leave. Which is why I left for 2 weeks. I wanted some time to myself. I just feel like the moment I started getting bullied, everything came down. Julie died, the tornado happened, I found out I had a family, I found out my father died, I found out I forgot about my family, I found out my dad had an affair for so long, I found out that I have a half brother. It's just so much and i really can't...." i stopped talking as soon as my breathing started getting faster and heavier.

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