Chapter twenty three

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Louis' POV

I just told Michelle I like her.

Well not really. But I told her I like a girl.

That girl is michelle.

Yes I like michelle and I know she's with Luke but I wish she was with me.

She told me that there was more to the story. Damn she is going through a lot.

"Hey Louis. The guys and I are going over to Michelle's place. You coming?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I said.

I got up and we left.

"So Luke wanted us to come over and hang at their place. He said now that Michelle is back we should hang out more with her since it'll do her good." Liam said.

"I'm just going for their puppy." Niall said.

We laughed and he said he was joking afterwards.

We arrived at Michelle's place and we went up and knocked.

"Coming!" I hear Nathaly say.

We hear barks and Niall starts getting excited.

Nathaly opens the door and she lets us come in.

Niall immediately starts playing with the puppy. I don't think they named the puppy.

"Jewel time to eat." Michelle said.

"You named her Jewel?" Niall asked.

Michelle nodded and she hugs us and then she feeds Jewel.

"Oh by the way. The continuation of my story is at same time as yesterday and we will grab a cup of coffee like yesterday. Oh and we will walk around the park." She quietly said.

I nod and was happy that I'm spending time with michelle.

I really like her.

I started developing a crush on her when I met her at her 18th birthday party.

"Hey guys!" Luke said coming down the stairs.

We all went to the living room and sat down.

"Where's Nathaly?" Ashton asked.

"She's in school. I didn't go because you guys didn't let me." Michelle said.

"Right." Ashton said.

We all started talking and laughing and we ended up watching a movie.


Michelle's POV.

The guys except for Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael, left after watching a movie.

"Hey michelle. We made an appointment for you with a therapist. He's a friend of mine." Calum said.

"That's fine. I'll go. What time?" I said.

"3:30." Calum said.

I check the time and see it's 1:03.

"I'll go get ready now." I said.

"Yeah you take a long time showering." Luke said.

"Yeah I'm not the only one, Luke." I shouted back before going into my room.

I took a shower and when I came out I saw Luke sitting down on the bed.

"I'm going to change so get out." I said.

"I'm good here." Luke said.

"Turn around at least." I said.

"No." He said.

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