Another group?

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Soon after reaching the YG BUILDING they directly went to their meeting room to meet the manager and proceed the meeting further

Director: Ladies, it's good to see you all. I trust the journey here was without incident?

Lisa: As smooth as it gets in our line of work.

Jisoo:Yes, boss. We're here. What's the situation?

Director :Excellent. Let's get straight to it. We've been in talks with the BTS crew about a collaboration.

Jennie :BTS? Their reputation precedes them. What's the plan?

Director:  We have three targets: EXO, TWICE, and ITZY. Our goal is their elimination to solidify our control. Working with BTS allows us to strike simultaneously and send a clear message.

Rosé: Sounds serious. What's our next move?

Director: It's a coordinated operation. BTS provides intel and cover, while we execute. We must be together, aligning strategies closely. We'll move to a secure mansion outside the city for planning.

Jisoo: When do we start?

Director: Immediately. The hits are scheduled in two weeks. Preparations begin tonight.

Lisa: What about law enforcement? Any potential issues?

Director: Local authorities are manageable, but we can't afford complacency.

Rosé: I see the potential. A unified front makes us formidable.

Director: Precisely. Any further questions?

Lisa: Just one. Contingencies if things go south?

Director: Safe houses and escape routes are set. We regroup if necessary, but with our combined effort, it shouldn't come to that.

Jisoo: Agreed. To a succeeding alliance.

Rosé: Let's execute flawlessly.

~With that everyone came out of the meeting room as the meeting was done already and now they were heading back to their mansion while all of them were curious about the another mafia group BTS  they do have heard about them but never met them.They all came back and were having their lunch while having a talk about this new group.

Lisa : So, BTS is in on this now? That's pretty wild!

Rosé : Yeah, but what if they're actually secret spies or something? Like, trying to steal our secrets?

Jisoo : Come on, guys, let's not get carried away with conspiracy theories. They're mafia, not spies.

Jennie : But what if they're pretending to be mafia to cover up being spies? It's like double-agent stuff!

Lisa : Oh, wow! That would be so sneaky.

Rosé : Maybe they're just here to steal our pizza recipe or our secret handshake.

Jisoo : I highly doubt that. Let's focus on the mission and not get distracted by imaginary scenarios.

Jennie : Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on them. You never know!

Lisa : Yeah, and if they try anything funny, we'll be ready with our super-secret backup plan!

Rosé : Exactly! No one messes with our crew.

Jisoo : Alright, enough with the spy games. Let's stick to what we know and get this job done.

Jennie : But what if—

Jisso : No more "what ifs," Jennie. Let's just do this, okay?

Lisa and Rosé : Okay! Let's go, team!

After getting finished with their lunch Rose and Lisa went to their rooms to chill and There was Jennie about to go to her room but heard Jisso calling her then she knew what she was going to talk about but she acted calm and went towards her -

Jisoo: Jennie, can I talk to you for a sec?

Jennie: Yeah, sure. What's up?

Jisoo: I noticed you were getting caught up in those... um, conspiracy theories back there. What's going on?

Jennie: Oh, you mean about BTS possibly being spies? I was just joking around, you know, trying to lighten the mood.

Jisoo: I get that, but this is serious business. We can't afford to let our imaginations run wild.

Jennie: I know, I know. I guess I got carried away. Sorry if I distracted everyone.

Jisoo: It's okay. Just try to stay focused, okay? We need everyone on board and thinking clearly.

Jennie: Got it. No more silly theories from me.

Jisoo: Good. Let's keep our heads in the game and get through this mission together.

Jennie: Agreed. Thanks for bringing me back down to earth, Jisoo.

Jisoo: Anytime, Jennie. Now let's go join the others and finalize our plan.

Jennie: Well i guess we both should also rest for a while then we have another meeting at YG tonight

And with that both of them got seperated and went to their rooms to chill out 

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