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In the early morning light, V stood outside Jennie's door, his mind focused on the upcoming mission. He knocked politely, waiting for a response, but there was none. Frowning slightly, he knocked again, a touch more urgently this time.

V: (calling out) "Jennie, it's V. I need to talk to you about the mission."

Still no answer came from within. Concerned now, V hesitated only briefly before deciding to enter.

V: (softly) "I'm coming in."

He pushed the door open slowly, expecting to find Jennie deep in thought or perhaps still asleep. Instead, he froze in his tracks as Jennie stepped out from the bathroom, her hair damp from the shower, a towel draped loosely around her shoulders.

 Instead, he froze in his tracks as Jennie stepped out from the bathroom, her hair damp from the shower, a towel draped loosely around her shoulders

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Jennie: (startled) "Oh! V, I didn't hear you come in."


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V: (blinking, trying to compose himself) "I... I'm sorry, Jennie. I didn't mean to intrude."

Jennie: (smiling faintly) "No, it's okay. What did you need to talk about?"

V tried to keep his composure, focusing on the mission briefing that he needed to discuss with Jennie. However, the unexpected sight of her caught off guard lingered in his mind, stirring emotions he hadn't anticipated.

V: (clearing his throat) "Right, the mission. We need to finalize the details for today. Are you ready?"

Jennie nodded, though V couldn't shake the feeling of seeing her in such a vulnerable moment. He quickly redirected his thoughts to the task at hand, maintaining his professional demeanor as they discussed the mission plan.

Jennie: (nodding) "I'm ready. Let's go over everything one more time."

As they delved into the specifics of their assignment, V made a conscious effort to keep his attention on the mission, pushing aside any personal thoughts that threatened to distract him. Yet, the image of Jennie in that unexpected moment continued to linger, leaving an impression that he couldn't quite shake off.

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