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As Taehyung and Jennie returned to the mansion in Korea, the air was filled with a sense of anticipation. They had just come back from their trip to Italy, and the rest of the members were still in Paris on their mission. Walking into the mansion, they were greeted by a chaotic but familiar scene.

They found Lisa chasing Jungkook around the living room, brandishing a tube of bright red lipstick.

Lisa: (Giggling) "Come here, Jungkook! Just a little makeover!"

Jungkook: (Laughing, dodging) "No way! Keep that away from me, Lisa!"

(Taehyung and Jennie exchanged amused glances, their earlier conversation temporarily set aside as they watched the playful chase unfold.)

Taehyung: (Smiling) "Looks like things haven't changed much around here."

Jennie: (Laughing) "Definitely not."

(Jungkook spotted Taehyung and Jennie and ran towards them, using them as a shield.)

Jungkook: (Breathlessly) "Help me out here, hyung! noona, save me!"

Lisa: (Determined) "There's no escape, Jungkook!"

(Taehyung stepped aside, shaking his head with a grin, while Jennie folded her arms, enjoying the spectacle.)

Taehyung: (Teasing) "You're on your own, Jungkook."

Jennie: (Laughing) "Yeah, you should face the consequences."

(Jungkook made a dramatic show of pleading, but it was clear he was enjoying the playful banter.)

Jungkook: (Mock despair) "Traitors, all of you!"

(Lisa finally caught up to him and managed to dab a bit of lipstick on his cheek before he escaped again, laughing.)

Lisa: (Triumphant) "Gotcha!"

(Jungkook rubbed his cheek, still laughing, and turned to face Lisa.)

Jungkook: (Grinning) "You win this time, but I'll get my revenge!"

(Lisa stuck her tongue out at him, then turned to Taehyung and Jennie, her eyes twinkling with mischief.)

Lisa: "Welcome back, Jennie unnie, oppa. How was Italy?"

Jennie: (Smiling) "It was... eventful. How have things been here?"

Jungkook: (Rolling his eyes) "The usual chaos. But it's good to have you back."

(Taehyung and Jennie settled into the comfortable chaos of the mansion, their minds still processing everything that had happened. For now, they were glad to be home, surrounded by their friends and the familiar sense of camaraderie.)

As Taehyung and Jennie settled back into the mansion, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Jin and Jisoo, looking lovey-dovey as ever, entered the room, their hands intertwined and smiles lighting up their faces.

Jin: (Cheerful) "Well, well, look who finally decided to come back! How was Italy, you two?"

Jisoo: (Giggling) "Yeah, did you guys bring us any souvenirs?"

(Jennie and Taehyung exchanged a glance, a hint of their earlier tension still lingering, but they smiled at their friends.)

Taehyung: (Smiling) "Italy was great. We had some interesting meetings."

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