Yes, we are. Welcome back, princess

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains as everyone gathered in the living room, the atmosphere light but filled with an underlying tension. The plan was to return to Seoul, and the excitement among the group was palpable.

RM (looking around the room) – "So, it's decided then? We're heading back to Seoul today?"

Jin (nodding) – "Yeah, everything's packed and ready. It'll be good to get back home, won't it?"

J-Hope and Sana exchanged a glance, their expressions betraying the anxiety they felt at the thought of returning to their old lives. They had built something new and safe here, far from the chaos they had left behind.

Sana (hesitant) – "We're happy you're all going back, but... maybe it's better if we stay here."

Jungkook (frowning) – "Stay here? But why? We're all in this together. Seoul is our home."

J-Hope (trying to explain) – "It's just... we've found some peace here. Going back... it brings back a lot of memories, and not all of them are good."

Jennie (softly) – "We understand that, but you don't have to face those memories alone. We're all here for you."

Jin (encouraging) – "Come on, J-Hope. It's not the same without you. We've all changed, and maybe it's time to face those fears together."

Jimin (reassuring) – "We're a family, remember? Whatever happens, we'll get through it. Besides, it's been so long since we were all in one place."

Sana (uncertain) – "It's not just about the memories. It's about the fear of what might happen. We've been away from that life for so long... I don't know if we're ready to go back."

Suga (gentle but firm) – "No one's asking you to jump back into it. We're asking you to come home, where you belong. You don't have to be involved in everything. Just be with us."

J-Hope (taking a deep breath) – "It's not easy, but... maybe you're right. We can't keep running forever. But I still feel... afraid."

Taehyung (supportive) – "Fear is natural, but we've got each other. You've faced worse and come out stronger. We'll make sure you're safe, and that nothing happens to you or Jihyo."

Lisa (smiling) – "And Jihyo will love it in Seoul! She'll have so many people doting on her."

Sana looked at J-Hope, seeing the conflict in his eyes. They had created a bubble of safety here, but deep down, they knew they couldn't hide from their past forever. The group's support made it clear that they wouldn't have to face it alone.

J-Hope (finally relenting) – "Alright, we'll come back with you. But... let's take it one step at a time. We're not ready to dive back into everything yet."

Jennie (relieved) – "That's all we're asking. Just come home with us. We'll figure out the rest together."

As everyone prepared for the journey back to Seoul, there was a sense of apprehension mixed with anticipation. J-Hope and Sana couldn't shake the feeling of fear, but the warmth of their friends gave them a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, they could find a new beginning in the place where everything had started.

As everyone packed and prepared for the journey back to Seoul, J-Hope and Sana lingered in the living room, exchanging worried glances. The fear of returning to the life they had left behind weighed heavily on them, and they found themselves hesitating to commit to the trip.

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