Chapter 3

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The bell rang. School was finally out. Thank the Gods! I sigh as I start to pack up my instrument. Vy was in beginning band so we both agreed to meet here before walking home so she could pick up her instrument. As I packed up the instrument my thoughts started to wander over to what would happen at my home now that Alastor would be staying there until school get's out. One whole year... Maybe my father won't be so harmful until Alastor leaves.... I hope. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alastor tapping my shoulder.

"Hey, ready to head to your house?" he asks, acting enthusiastically and more happily than before in band. He was studying my face as if trying to see any change in demeanour when he mentioned my home.

I sighed and muttered in a slightly annoyed voice,"We have to wait for someone" I continued swabbing out my bass clarinet and finishing putting it back in its case. After I finished that I put my music in my backpack. I glance up and see Vydle ender the band room and grab her music and clarinet case then walk over to Alastor and me.

"Who is she?" Alastor whispers quietly in my ear.

Before I could answer Vy walked up to us looking slightly surprised to see me talking to someone. She and I had never really had what people call friends. We always had each other but we were siblings so it was a little different. I watched as Vy looked at Alastor suspiciously then she looked back at me. "He is the exchange student that our family signed up to be the host family for" I mutter trying to explain why I was talking to someone.

She looked back and I then put on her classical very believable smile but I knew it was just an act. She then held out her hand for a hand shake. "I am Vydle, Styve's younger sister" she says in her normal ish voice.

I could see right through her act though, she had the exact same thoughts as me: How will father feel about this? I then looked over at Alastor waiting for him to respond. I then realised I was still sitting on the band room floor. I stood up and moved over to one of the plastic chairs we use in band and sat on that.

"Alastor Schvagenbagen, Syves friend" Alasor says happily then shakes Vy's hand. I heard him say friend and I really wanted to say that we were not. I looked over at Vydle and saw her reaction. She looked slightly surprised but still smiled.

I stood up and walked over to Vy. "Hey, How was your day? Did you make any new friends?" I said, sounding happier than I had all day. I was nervous for my sister's first day at middle school but based on the way she acted it seemed like she had a good day.

"I had a pretty good day." Vy said smiling but then her face darkened and she added,"We better get walking home. We would not want dad mad"

"Dad ma-" Alastor starts to say

"Don't ask questions" I say in a cold voice as I interrupt him. I hated when Vydle referred to him as our dad. I will never think of him as my dad. He was a guardian whom I refer to as father. I stand up to start to walk home, Vy quickly stands up to follow me. I could tell she was worrying about our father and how he would act if we were late. As much as I wanted to run home I knew we had to wait for Alastor to catch up.

While Vydle and I stood at the door to the band room she leaned next to me and whispered,"Is he actually the guy who we have to live with?" I could tell from her voice that she sounded nervous.

"He is, he will have to learn how to act more our fathers style" I responded to her sounding as nervous as her. I hope Alastor does not say anything about what happened during lunch. I glanced around and added in an even quieter voice,"Plus he is way too observant... H-He might notice something is off."

I looked back at Vydles face, it had the same expression as me but then she said something I did not expect,"I understand and I feel just like you but give Alastor a chance. He just moved here from a different place and has no friends here. Maybe he could be an actual friend... Maybe we could be his actual friends" I watched Vy glance back at Alastor with a look of sympathy on her face.

I felt anger boil inside me but seeing her face pushed me back into my memories of today: When I first met him we got along pretty well, The way he tried to help me when Sparrow was hurting me and even he tried to comfort me when I was starting to have a panic attack. I looked back at Vydle's face and saw she genuinely cares for Alastor even though she does not even know him. I wish I could be like her, maybe if I just try and give Alastor a chance.... Only for Vydle thought. "Fine, I will try.. I am only doing this for you" I responded to her in a voice that sounded slightly annoyed. I glanced back at Alastor and sighed. Maybe he is not as happy as he seems.

Alastor stands up and walks towards us carrying his backpack and his mallet bag. He smiled when he caught up and said,"Thanks for waiting for me to pack up my stuff!" He then looks over to me with warmth in his eyes,"Your tone on the Bass Clarinet is outstanding! I don't think I even heard you squeak or anything!"

I already knew I had a good tone but for some reason hearing him say that meant a little bit more than how it did when my teachers did. I was not going to respond at first but I then reminded myself what I promised Vy and that maybe Alastor meant what he said, it either that or he is a very good liar. "You weren't too bad yourself." I muttered trying to sound kind. You know if you think about it he did well in percussion. I pushed those thoughts away. I glanced down at my watch: 2:26. We had to be home by 2:45 and it normally took Vy and I 15 minutes to walk home so we better be going now unless our father would be mad. "Look we can talk more on the walk but at the moment we have to get going" I say my voice had hints of panic in it. I looked over to Vydle and she looked at me back. At the exact moment we set off walking with Alastor at our heels.

We walked in silence until we left the school grounds. I remembered that I never got where he was from. Let's think... didn't I read a book about Greek Mythology and Greek names. I think I remember it saying "The name Alastor originated from Ancient Greek culture based on the Greek god Zeus." Maybe he is greek? I finally decided to say something since my curiosity was getting the better of me. I really was curious if I was correct about his origins. "If I am correct, you're from Greece right?" I ask Alastor in a curious yet still sort of vexatious voice.

"Yeah you're right!" Alastor smiled and then continued in a slightly confused voice,"How did you know?" He still looked as happy and excited to talk to people as he always did. I watched Vydle look up at him then to me. I guessed she knew exactly how I knew but was still curious on what I was going to say.

I prepared myself to respond but my mind kept getting stuck on how Alastor acts so happy. How the fuck did Alastor allways look and act happy! I don't understand how he does it, it makes no sense! I knew I had to answer his question even though I was still confused with the way he acted. "I just read a few books in the past about Greek names and Alastor was one of them" I said, shrugging it off but when I looked back at him I saw pure astonishment on his face. I almost laughed but stopped myself when I looked ahead of us and saw my house. Shit, Shit, Shit.

My home was a pretty big house. It was also very old and built by our ancestors by hand. I knew that my father was waiting for us right behind the door. I felt a wave of nervousness wash over me.

I looked over to Vydle and saw her face. I could tell she was thinking the same thing as me. Let's hope this goes well...

I love this story so much!!! I cant wait to post the chapter where you met his father. BTW Styve's father is a jerk and I wish I could kill him already.

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