Chapter 7

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After I fell asleep my dreams were mainly about me wandering endless corridors every once in a while hearing Alastors voice repeating what he said in the woods. The dreams were very confusing and creepy but not like my normal nightmares.

I woke up to my alarm beeping. It was 5:45 again, time for another day at school which is a place I get to get away from my dad but I still have to see sparrow. I have to get out of bed.

I felt very low energy today which was normal for mornings. As I slowly roll out of bed and get my clothing on I glance over to my bedside table to grab my backpack. When I do that I see my untouched plate of food from yesterday. Man, I forgot to eat it again. If Alastor saw he would- why do we care what Alastor thinks! I sigh and grab the plate of food and put the food in my trash can. I slipped on my tall, platform shoes and started out my door putting down the empty plate on my bedside table so if anyone walked into my room it looked like I ate.

As I walk out Vy walks out of her room at the same time like normal. The Alastor walks out of his room and gives me a weak smile. Why did he smile at me? Just because of what happened yesterday does not mean we are friends all of a sudden. For some weird reason I smiled back though.

"Ready?" I hear Alastor whisper to Vy and I in a kind understanding voice as we head down the stairs.

Vy and I nod a yes to him even though I could see through my sister's happy cover. Her eyes looked tired and worried. I wonder if our father did something or if she had more nightmares. I reach over and offer her my hand to try and comfort her. She took it then held out her other hand for Alastor. Why is she offering him her hand!? I stared at her slightly surprised, then I felt a weird feeling of slight anger towards her when I saw Alastor take hold of her hand. What is this feeling? Why do I all of a sudden feel anger towards my sister?

We exited the stairwell and slowly walked into the foyer and stopped at the door for my father to allow us to leave. I was acutely aware of Vy and Alastors hands touching but forced myself to focus on my father and mother.

"You may head off to school now. Styve after school we are going to review math so next time you do better." my father says ominously and I feel a sense of dread fall over me. I watch as he shoes us off with a fake smile.

As we walked out the door I started to worry about what was going to happen when we were supposed to be studying for math. I guess Alastor could sense my nervousness because when we walked out of the house and got far away from it he walked in between Vy and I and whispered to me,"Hey, is everything okay? You know you can talk to me if you want." He gave me a weak smile, the chilli, windy air blowing his hair.

I almost smiled back at him but stopped myself. "I am fine." I responded even though I still felt scared for after school with my father. Maybe I should just tell Alastor...No he would not understand or care! I looked back over at him and saw him looking slightly hurt by me just straight up lying to him. "Uhh thanks for asking though" I add awkwardly since I was not the best at being kind to people. I saw Alastor's smile widen a little bit after I thanked him.

After I had said thank you to Alastor I saw Vy look up slightly surprised, she was probably not used to hearing me say thank you to Alastor after the way I had been treating him the day before. "Looks like you're in a good mood" she says, laughing slightly trying to get me to smile.

I put on a fake smile to try and make her happy. I took one last glance over at Alastor, he had a slightly considered look on his face. I guess he could see through my smile... Shit! I saw him reach a hand over and was about to pat my shoulder but then I guess he remembered I did not enjoy physical touch so he pulled his arm away.

"Yeah, I.. I am in a good mood" I add trying to sound happy but I hated lying to her. I knew by the way she went quiet after I said this she guessed it was a lie. As we enter the school ground I could sense the tension between us all. All of us half wanting to just explain what happens but also not daring to speak.

Eventually we come up to Vy's classroom so Alastor and I wave goodbye then head off to our classroom. "Ready for class?" Alastor says in his happy voice and wearing his normal smile. "I heard that your sister calls you Stilts.... Mind if I do too?" he asks slowly, sounding cautious but had hope in his voice.

I was expecting to feel very angry but I did not feel as angry as I expected. I did feel a slight annoyance because that was something my sister only called me. I did not know how to feel or respond but I had to keep my strong cover on. That's what my sister calls me! Why don't I feel as angry as I should! "Uhh... Fine" I tried to sound as if I did not really care but I did just feel confused. When I glanced at Alastors face I could tell maybe I sounded a little too harsh so I decided to add,"Mind if I call you Al?" Maybe giving Al.. Alastor a chance was a good choice.

"Yeah, definitely!" he responded happily like he just wanted to actually have a friend. He smiled and then added,"Wanna sit together during lunch or something?"

I almost never ate lunch in the cafeteria because me and the coach had a deal that I was allowed to walk around the track during lunch as long as I did not get her in trouble for it. She is not allowed to leave kids out there unsupervised but she trusts me so I can do it. I hardly even eat when I am out there. "I-I don't normally eat in the cafeteria" I say quietly as we walk to our 1st period class. I mean maybe I should bring Alastor with me, I don't want Sparrow picking on him.

He looked away, stayed silent and was obviously trying to think of something to say. I knew Vy and I were his only real friends. Yuck, I still hate calling myself anyone's friend even if maybe it's not that bad being his friend. I don't want Sparrow to hurt him like Sparrow hurts me. He could not sit with Vy because she has a different lunch time since she is in 9th grade not 10th like us. I don't even know if I would want her sitting with him. I felt the feeling I was feeling earlier when I saw Vy holding his hand. I wanted to punch her yet at the same time wanted to hug Alastor.

"I normally walk around the track, you can join if you want. Just please DON'T mess it up for me by telling others" I explain slightly nervous about telling Alastor what I do during lunch. I slightly wanted to walk with him because I knew the coach would be happy I made a friend-Yep, no can't say that yet-Acquaintance.

I watched his face light up a little bit as I suggested to him that he could walk with me during lunch. "A-Are you sure? You really don't have to if you don't want too. I know how you feel about getting too close to other people." He says, slightly surprised.

I nodded a yes and we entered the class room and took our seats at the back of the class.

I put my backpack on the floor and sit down on my chair. My backpack was a dark blue bag that I had since 1st grade. My father refused to ever buy me a new one so it was practically falling apart but I liked it. I reached inside my bag to grab my sketchbook and pencil pouch. I wonder if Alastor draws stuff... NO get him out of your mind he is an annoying bitch. I saw Alastor look up from his table and glance over to see what I was drawing.

"Whatcha drawing?" Alastor asks happily but behind his happy eyes I thought I could see a faint hint of concern.

I was drawing a person in black and white curled up with their head in their knees. I glance up in surprise when Alastor asked his question. My mind raced with panic for a second because the drawings were pretty dark. I force myself to respond with a believable answer even though I knew he might not buy it,"J-Just trying a different style.." I could tell from the look on his face he knew I was lying since he had already probably seen my other sketches.

Alastor opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the bell so I never heard whatever he was going to say. I shut my sketchbook and put it back in my backpack violently, feeling slightly angry from you being concerned about me. I wish, I wish, I wish I could just tell him everything.

Class started, our teacher explained what we would be doing and yet again I was partnered with Alastor. Two classes where I am working with him. I felt no anger at that thought even though I knew I should.

(Time skip to lunch time)

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