Chapter 1

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wake up at 5:45 exactly to my alarm clock beeping. I sighed as I moved over to turn it off. As I stumbled out of bed still sore from what happened the night before. I heard my sister wake up and bang around in her room. Her name was Vydle, she was in 9th grade and had long wispy grey hair. I was in 10th grade, my name is Styve but my sister calls me Stilts because of my tall platform shoes I wear ALL THE TIME. I had dark red hair, a pointy face and I had circles under my eyes.

As I get out of bed and put on my long sleeve black button up shirt, my baggy black pants and tall platform shoes I remember that today was the day I was going to meet the exchange student that would be staying with us for the year. I put on my punk vest, applied my makeup to cover my tired eyes and then grabbed my fake leather black wrist cuffs I like to wear and slipped them on my wrists. Then I walked out the door of my bedroom down the hall. My sister walks out of her own room at the exact same time. She was wearing a long sleeve grey hoodie that complemented her hair very well and black leggings. We walked down the stairs together in silence, understanding that we were not going to actually talk until we left the house.

"Let's just try to get out the door without father getting mad." I whisper to Vy right before we enter the room where my mother and father were sitting.

As we walk into the room Vydle says in a fake calm voice,"We are off to school." Our parents nodded, glared at us then waved their hands signalling to leave. I sighed as we left it was obvious they were not in a happy mood today.

I put on a fake smile as we headed for the door. Honestly I could not wait to leave there and walk away to a better place called school. The farther we got from our house the more talkative Vy and I became.

After a few minutes we could see the outline of our school. It was a big building with big dark windows, 4 floors and a decent size track that I walk around during lunch almost every day. As we approached the building I started to feel a sense of nervousness for the first day of 10th grade and meeting the child I would be living with all school year.

"Ready?" I ask Vydle. It was her first day of 9th grade and I could practically sense the nervousness flowing from her. She put on a smile and nodded as we walked into the building. As we endered I could not help but look around at everyone trying to figure out which child was the exchange student.

"Th-this is my class," Vy says and I bend down to hug her to show that I cared for her. I hoped that she was going to have a good day. Maybe she will become friends with the exchange student... wait on second thought that is not a good idea. I watched her walk away and waved.

I smile and whisper,"Bye!" Then I walked off to my first period science class. As I walked down the halls I took in every where about my surroundings trying to make sure I remember where my class is. I got lost easily and was on a whole new floor than I was last year so I wanted to make sure I knew where I was going.

When I entered my classroom I looked around and noticed it was a pretty spacious room with plenty of natural light, a happy vibe and the teacher looked kind. I took a seat in the back of the class next to the window. My mind instinctively started to analyse the classroom. A pride flag.. That's good, maybe the teacher is gay? A few minutes later the bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. I glanced up and fixated my posture. In the chair next to me was a brownish red haired kid with a dark red shirt. I don't recognize them... could it be the exchange child? The teacher, whose name turns out to be Mr. 'James , starts to take attendance. "Styve Chirine?" Mr. James called.

Of course my name is first. I think to myself then sigh and raise my hand. Then say in a slightly annoyed voice,"Here!" I was the smart child that most of my teachers loved at first but started to hate me by the end of the year. I expected Mr. James looked annoyed but he just smiled and nodded in a kind way.

He continued attendance and I zoned out. I took out my sketch book and started to draw random characters I make up. As Mr James did attend he went through the names,"Lilly Smith.... Damian Limelack... Alastor Schvagenbagen"

I stopped drawing as I heard the person next to me raise their hand and say,"here!" They had a calm, quiet voice. So Alastor is apparently his name.... Strange. Mr James finished attendance and then went on talking about the rules of his class. He seemed like a pretty chill teacher but I knew that would fade and not be chill after he learned how I aced in class.

(45 minutes later the bell rang)

I stood up to leave but then Mr James walked up to me and said in a calm voice that I quickly realised he was addressing me and the child named Alastor,"The office wants to see you two during your lunch period." I felt a wave of fear for me for maybe being in trouble. He seemed to notice that and then added in a kind voice,"don't worry you're not in trouble" I glanced over at Alastor and he nodded happily.

"Thanks Mr James, we will be there during lunch." I respond with a fake smile and then grab my bags and head for the door. I started down the hallway to my next class. I heard footsteps and glanced behind me to see Alastor rushing down the hall to try and talk to me. I paused and glanced at them.

Alastor smiled and catched up to me panting,"Hey! I don't think I ever got your name!" He said happily as he held out his hand. I reluctantly reached forward to shake his hand. Compared to them,I was practically a zombie. I found it interesting how they were always happy. Signals trauma probably or just they are faking it. "I am Alastor Schvagenbagen, I use He/Him pronouns and just moved here." he says introducing himself.

When Alastor said that he had just moved here it made me even more sure that he was the exchange student. I looked back at his face, he looked back at me expecting me to respond. "I... I am Styve." I said, my voice quivering a little bit. I was not used to talking to people who were my age and not my sister. I added reluctantly because I actually used he/they but my family would murder me if i ever told them that "I use He/Him pronouns." We continued down the hall. I wonder what his next class is? As we walked he and I just talked a little bit. I learned he moved here from New Orleans and did not have that much money. As we talked I made a side note in my head to remember not to get too close to anyone here other than my sister.

"Hey! What's your next class?" he asked enthusiastically. It surprised me how happy he acted, even if I were happy I would never be able to act so energetic.

I sigh and respond,"Math." It was my 2nd favourite subject and I was great at it but my dad was extremely strict about it. I watched him smile and show me his schedule. Shit I glanced down at my schedule again, It was almost identical! He even had a band at the same time. That sparked a question in my head: What does he play in band? "Hey what instrument do you play?" I ask, trying to act as friendly as my cold heart could.

I watched him smile and glace down at the mallet bag he was carrying in his hand. I sighed. Of course he is a percussionist. I always thought percussionists were cool people and me being a Bass Clarinet player and Piano player I am in the best band the school offers and the Jazz band. "Cool" I say, trying to sound enthusiastic but failing

I did not realise how far we walked until I saw our next class. You walked into the room first with me following you. Surprisingly again you and I had to sit next to each other. Strange almost like every teacher wants us to be friends. I glance at you as I take a seat.

The bell rings and Ms. Manning starts class by introducing herself and explaining what she expects from her math 4 class (aka us). We were in 11th grade but everyone had done so well in the math last year the school board moved those humans up into math one. I knew I did well and I hoped that my dad would be proud that I was in this math.

Alastor asking if we could work together as partners on a project snapped me away from my thoughts. Man it will be harder to think to myself this school year I guess My thoughts slowly drifted to Vydle who was probably in one of her core classes at the moment too. I then remembered I had to answer Alastors question. "U-Uhh sure" I say, acting a little distant.

"Common lets get to work then" Alastor says happily even though I could tell he could tell something was wrong with me.
This is going to be an interesting year

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