Chapter 2 TW Bullying

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I feel like I could have written the beginning of this chapter better but here it is chapter 2. I am really exited for later in the book!

(2 hours later) The bell rang for lunch. I was in my only class I had without the Alastor guy. I slowly stood up from my desk and made my way to the door. Now off to the office. Good thing I already "forgot" to bring my lunch. As I walked down the hallway deep in thought someone bumped into me or I bumped into something. I slowly look up to see the person that makes my life even worse than how it is normally... Sparrow. "Oh shit" I mutter quietly as I watch Sparrow's face turn red out of anger.

"Watch where you're going punk" Sparrow yelled and then waves over to his friends. "Come on guys, let's teach him a lesson!" I slowly backed away my mind going to a bad place as I knew what was about to happen. Then his 2 hunky friends appeared from behind me. They grabbed the collar of my shirt and lifted me up off the ground. Memories from home popped into my head making me feel even more scared.

Shit shit shit I prepared myself to be punched by putting up my hands to protect my face but then a person appeared behind them. I immediately recognised this person and my first thought was: No not him. I did not want him to get hurt while trying to fight MY battles.

"Let him go bitch!" he yelled to Sparrow while cracking his knuckles. Immediately Sparrow and his buddys look up to see the person. They hesitate then dropped me and fled off to the school cafeteria screaming like little girls probably not wanting to get hurt. I doubt this guy would actually physically hurt them.

"A-Alastor" I say in a shocked voice, my mind still buzzing with thoughts: How did he know I was here? Why did he help? What would he get out of helping me? I looked back at his face still slightly stunned from the fear of Sparrow and his pals. I finally pull my self together and manage to say,"How the fuck did you know I was right here? And why did you help?" I sounded genuinely confused. My jacket sleeve was pulled up a little bit and was almost showing cuts and bruises I had gotten on my arms from a few nights ago. I immediately pulled down my sleeve and glanced back at him. There was genuine concern in his gaze after seeing me get almost beat up.

Alastor reached over to pat my shoulder then paused, he probably knew I did not like physical touch after what just happened. He starts answering all of my questions slowly and calmly which was very different from the voice he used when talking to sparrow,"I was confused about where you were because I did not see you at the office." He then continued,"I thought I heard screams and I saw you. I-I had to help" He smiled calmly and offered me a hand to stand up. I slowly and nervously took his hand. I hated physical contact but for some weird reason I was okay with touching his hand.

I wish he did not have to help! Now I look weak. I glanced around and then looked back at Alastor. I nodded then said in a more calm voice even though my heart was still racing from fear,"Common we have to get to the office and p-please don't tell anyone what just happened." Then a new worry struck me: What if my dad finds out about Sparrow... He would be PISSED with me. I felt more and more nervous, I felt it start to get harder to breathe and my body started to shake. No we are not doing this today.. Especially not here at school with Alastor. I paused and leaned against a wall to calm down. Deep breaths I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down.

"H-hey, you ok?" Alastor asked, sounding genuinely worried as he noticed me leaning against a wall. He stoped walking to wait for me to calm down.

I nodded and felt it slowly get easier to breathe and I slowly stood up. I took a deep breath then turned back to him and smiled fakely. That was way to close. I studied Alastor's face for a second but he did not seem to pick up on my fakeness of the smile. Why is life so hard? Why did he seem actually worried? I glanced down the hallway then looked at my watch. It read 11:49 and lunch ended at 12:05. "We should get going to the office" I say quietly, my voice getting more steady.

"Sounds good" he responds then we start down the hallways.

I wonder what class Vy is in at the moment? I wonder glancing in every 9th grade classroom we pass as we walk down the hallway. My mind slowly thinks about the conversations Alastor and I have had. I wonder if he is the new child I will be stuck with all school year? I mean he's not too annoying but will Vy like him? I was very protective over my sister because of what happened at my home.

Eventually I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alastors words,"We are at the office" I glanced up. He sounded more sad or concerned as I looked at his face. I noticed a faint look of nervousness in his gaze.

Strange.. I nodded and grabbed the door holding it open for him. As we walked in I immediately noticed the school counsellor Ms. Larndrew and the principal Ms. Tompson. I wonder why they are here? I glanced at Alastor and based on the look on his face he had the same thoughts as me.

"Hello Styve and Alastor, we are here to inform you about the exchange student program going on here. Alastor will spend the whole school year at your home Styve. You will treat him just like your own family and if we have any problems we have Ms. Larndrew you can talk to." Ms Tompson says calmly but in a slightly threatening voice. I watched Alastor nod and look at me slightly smiling.

He would not want to be treated like family. I sighed then nodded. I knew around him my family would act as normal as everyone else but alone they would become the normal evil monsters they are. Then it hit me that Alastor is the guy I have to live with. Shit Shit Shit "Sounds good" I respond while I glance at my watch.. 12:03. "Ms we better get going we have class" I say quickly really needing to get away from all the teachers and go to my favourite class... Art!

"Now get back to class you two" Ms Tompson says quickly shewing us away.

"Common lets go to art" Alastor says, a little less happy than normal but he was still smiling. We head down the halls to art. "Do you have any siblings?" Alastor asks, obviously trying to start a conversation with me.

I sighed, I wished he would leave me alone for just a little bit. He was just so overly perfect it was annoying by now. I nodded and responded with a fake smile,"Yes, a sister who is in 9th grade here." I then decided to add trying to shut him up as we entered the art room,"You will meet her later but for now I need to focus"

During art we could listen to music as we got time for free drawing. I took out my notebook and continued my little sketch of random people. I turned on Lost My Sanity by Johnnie Guilbert:

I'm bound to fall apart
My life is ending dark
I've been torn down before
I see no light in this world which is cold
Falling off the grid Losing myself to a curse I can't ditch
Tearing at my skin
Feeling the love start to be missed
Got a letter with your name on it
I know I can't forget this
All the times I've been broken
The paths that I've chosen
Times will always catch up to you
Some days you want to be brand new
Best months feel like they pass
Best months feel like they pass
'Cause I can't find my way out of this place
I've been screaming for days,
please help me I'm locked in this day,
no way to break free
That's when I lost my sanity
Please help me,
please help me
Lost my sanity, lost my sanity

We finished art and the rest of the day until band. Turns out that Alastor and I were sitting close to each other in band too. Today has gotten very annoying, I wished I could just have some peace from everyone. The day will be over soon. I had not spoken much after lunch because mainly of my stress of how my home will be with him there. What will my father act like? I pushed those thoughts away and focused on band. Alastor was pretty decent at playing the drums and other instruments in the percussion category. Of course I was better at bass clarinet than anyone. I was Mr. Velardi's favourite student and best clarinet player.

Why is Alastor so perfect? Why is he such a wonderful person? Too wonderful.. something is off I don't trust him. When he played the mallets it was obvious he was amazing at it. He was pretty good at the drum set too.

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