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my girl was sick today. she decided to no to come to school today. I wanted to stay home, but I also wanted to Sorry to that guy. I don't understand why the hell it has been bugging me. i waited in the hallway. I was hoping to see him, than. for fucks sake. he was wearing a fucking bow. my question is where the fuck is that bow hanging from. so best way to describe it was like a silk blue bow behind his combed hair. slicked like a classic comb over. BUT THE BOW! what a que.... oh that's right I cant be writing anything offensive in this journal.

he looked pretty gay. like girly female gay. but the craziest part. everyone was complimenting him. its like he could wear a meat dress like that crazy singer on tv and everyone would applaud him. I just thought it looked weird. I mean going to high school and being brave enough to be a social laugh stock. like I gotta admit tho he had balls. I was approching the door I cant say sorry to him now. especially with that display of a of a bow he has on. people will talk. he saw me and just looked down and walked past by me. I felt a cold sensation. its like the moment he realized I was there I felt him completely diminish.

as we all entered the art room. everyone stopped in front of the class. the folder of the kid wa ripped up on the ground. with the word "F*G" all over it. the teacher pushed everyone aside. and saw the guy standing in front of his ripped art folder. not a single sound was said in the classroom

"no one will leave this class room until someone speaks up" everyone was whispering.

"it was me sir. I did this to myself" the teacher was shocked and confused as to why he did it. I mean it's one thing to be made fun of, but another to simply destroy your work and leave it be.

"is there a meaning to this Bryan?" he looked up and smiled at the teacher.

"in time Mr. Pricer. in Time..." he grabbed the peices from the floor and placed them on the table and started to make something out of the torn piece. its like someone putting a puzzle together. I finally got his name. Bryan. that is until I noticed until he put the pieces together. I should a portrait of himself WITH THE FUCKING BOW!

"in time people will say nasty things about you. but that's all that is...words. what you do with those words is up to you. never let anything take away from your power each and everyone of you have" the classroom shocked in silence started to Clap. you can hear the roar of screams in the classroom echo and everyone was walking in to see the art statement.

Mr. pricer shook his hand. everyone walked to him and high five him and hug him. he caught me looked at him and smiled at me. nodding as if we had an understanding. that was the first time I have ever seen true power.

I waited until the school day was over to see that portrait in its entirty.

"you know, it wouldn't hurt to say hi here and there considering your my art mate now?" as he skips to the table. I step back and was left speechless. I couldn't say anything to him. it felt like I had no will to say anything.

"listen, its okay. i won't tell anyone who REALLY did it..." what did he meant by really? so it wasn't him?

"so you didn't actually do this yourself?

"I actually have no reason to. I actually don't know who had the time to do it. still I took the opportunity" this kid had to be a pyhcopath. I would have been so mad if someone did that to me. this kid. he's something thats for sure.

"regardless, take the ugly parts are the art and make it beautiful again. I'm not thrilled about what happened but what can I do. its just life I guess. anyways. you better be off than don't want anyone to speculate your here doing something with me.... its a joke btw. " I chuckled and I walked away.

"i'm sorry Bryan...didn't mean to-"

"I know, it's okay..." he smiled at me and continued to clean up. I felt weird. almost warm. like for a second in my life. things were going to be all right.

and his name was "Brayan" (with an extra "A")Where stories live. Discover now