Flat terrain was no longer a commodity they could entertain. Viridis felt the ground beneath him tilt steadily upward, the fine gravel turning into uneven rock, hills and valleys replacing paved pathways and corridors of kingdoms.

Viridis and Legolas led the front behind Gandalf with Aragorn and Boromir at the tail. It was silent, as was common at the beginning of journeys. Merry and Pippin bickered, Sam and Frodo muttered to each other. And Viridis pretended like he couldn't hear, opting instead to study their surroundings as they walked, looking for threats.

Legolas, by his side, gave off an air of absolute control and ease, though Viridis noted the slight tenseness of his shoulders, the way his eyes shifted, never staying in one place for too long.

The path narrowed and dropped off, leaving but a strip of rock to tread across as they traveled upward the mountainside. The hill was nothing compared to the great white terrains they were bound to face but still grand enough that it had crumbled away with age.

Viridis crossed the section with a natural grace and found himself hanging back, wordlessly motioning for Legolas to continue onward as he offered his hand out to help Gimli cross.

The Dwarf grunted his thanks as he gripped the Elf's arm so tightly Viridis feared he would be deprived of its blood supply. Frodo jumped across with ease followed seamlessly by Pippin. Merry jumped with just as much confidence and Viridis almost cursed as he watched the rock slip from the Hobbit's feet, managing to catch Merry and lift him back up to safety. Sam, having seen this, gratefully accepted Viridis help and crossed without further incident.

Aragorn and Boromir both used the side of the mountain to cross, using a jutting rock as a handhold until they made it back on even ground.

"Viridis." It was Boromir who spoke. He gestured for the Elf to walk with him. Viridis obliged and took up his place at the end of the trail once the path widened its course once more.

"What ails you, my friend?" He asked.

"Nothing at the moment. However this whole journey is slightly unnerving. Uncanny even. I feel it is only natural to feel apprehensive." Boromir spoke, voice deep as he looked around, hand loose by his side but fingers twitching, ready to retrieve the shield in which he carried on his back. "Frodo told me what you did, 60 years ago." He glanced at Viridis from the corner of his eye before returning them to the path before them. "You have my respect."

"Thank you."

"And I hope that my general apprehension towards you when we first met will not be taken personally."

"I assure you it has not," Viridis affirmed. "And I ask that you give me the grace of assuring the same." He said.

Boromir raised a brow. "Have I presented the illusion that I have?"

"Of course not. It has been a pleasure accompanying you thus far. I only phrased my question as such to merely figure out your intentions." Viridis replied calmly, tone melodic.

"Do you not trust me?"

"No, in fact, you are someone I would personally put my life into your hands without question. Perhaps this is to a fault."

Boromir paused a moment, glancing at the Elf. "What are you implying?" He asked.

"I will say now that you are a valiant warrior, noble, and dedicated so long as you continue to breathe." Viridis began.

"These are not bad attributes."

"Indeed not." The Elf continued on. "Not when you state them clearly; lay them out on a white sheet and observe them from a distance."

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