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They were given a room to rest and clean.

Viridis had insisted though his body greatly called for sleep. If there was a war on the city's front, they would need to be prepared and couldn't risk loosening their guard. Both Theoden and Gandalf, however, had other matters to attend to. We attack that which haunts us tomorrow. Today, we rest.

Eowyn guided them through the city toward the rooms of the banished soldiers who opposed Saruman. "Two rooms have been made available just down here." She said kindly, softly, eyes darting between the two Elves, the Golden Hall where Aragorn and Gimli stood outside of, and the cemetery where her uncle and Gandalf were headed toward. They'd banished Wormtongue soon after the events preceding the hall and the city had become lively, more welcoming. An astounding turnaround.

"Do not trouble yourself with the second," Viridis said simply, drawing Eowyn's distracted attention back toward them. She was beautiful in her youth. He could see how she would draw many a gaze toward her. And it was that very same beauty that made her responsible and mature. Perhaps too vain at times, too modest in others.

"I apologize," she said, dipping her head. "I fear I am not aware of Elvish customs. It is not often we are graced with the presence of visitors."

"Not customs but preference," Legolas said, lips curling upward as if he were betraying the greatest of secrets that brought him only joy. "He is my love as I am his."

Eowyn did not move to revoke her offer in a haste, did not turn her back, or let her soft smile fall. She merely opened the door for them and spoke. "I see. Can I at least draw a bath?"

"Go. Be with your uncle." Legolas replied. "We can manage."

Eowyn nodded, dipping her head as her hair cast itself over her face, over her eyes and ears as she did.

Just as she turned her back to go, Viridis spoke her name softly. "Eowyn." He said.

The girl paused and looked at him. "Yes?"

"Aragorn. His name." Viridis said. "He'll be in the main hall by this time I suspect."

The grin that overtook her face then was brilliant sunshine. Though she tried to mask it, the movements went without success. She cleared her throat and turned back around so they could no longer see her face. "Thank you." She said as she continued on walking, leaving them within the room in peace.

Viridis only smiled as he set down his weapons, observing them for any scratches or irregularities. They were just as clean as they had been before he'd been forced to give them up.

"Why did you tell her?" Legolas asked, coming up behind Viridis, and setting down his bow as well. "Aragorn's heart is with Arwen's alone."

"I know," Viridis said idly as he gazed at their bows, side by side, perfect compliments of each other. Flexible and crafted by the finest hands in all of Middle-Earth but both are completely different in their designs, crafted to their persons. One for a prince, one for a soldier. Here, they were both Elves. Both equal and both content. "It would do Aragorn good to be paid attention to in such a way, even if unreciprocated." He went on. "It will give him light and color in that stoic face of his— to make conversation without worrying about the weight of his words. An activity we all need to engage in to remain sane."

Legolas hummed as he listened. "And sane I am with you."

"Though you do not look it," Viridis said, quickly moving to the baths with a sly smile. "Let me draw you a bath nin mel, to wash the dirt from your face, so that I may be able to once more look into your eyes as they were meant to be."

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