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Leilani sat in Joe's bar with Meredith, taking shot after shot. Normally Meredith wouldn't let Leilani drink at a bar but because she felt like crap after finding out her situation ship had a wife, she decided to let her have a few and Leilani loved it.

Yes, she does drink at home but it feels loads different drinking in a bar and she can't explain it but it's got something to do with there being more people there, even though she doesn't like people.

"You look familiar. You been here before?" Joe asked Meredith, snapping Leilani out of her thoughts.

"Once. That worked out really well." Meredith knocked another shot back.

"I know that look. It's probably one of two things. Either your boss is giving you hell or your boyfriend is. Which is it?" Joe asked.

"Both." Meredith replied.

"Her boyfriend is her boss, which was a problem. But not as big a problem as the fact that her boyfriend has a wife." Leilani chimed in and rolled her eyes.

"Tell you what, these two are on the house." Joe said, pouring two shots of tequila and passing them over to the sisters.

"Take mine, i don't want anymore." Leilani said, sliding the shot over to Meredith who took them both.

"Why are you so mature for nineteen?" Meredith asked.

"You tell me. You practically raised me." Leilani shrugged, feeling a slight buzz.

"All hail the champ!" Joe cheered once George walked into the bar with Cristina behind him.

"So my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him." He said.

"George knocked him down in one punch. You should have seen it." Cristina said.

"I don't want to talk about it!" George snapped.

"Brag, George, brag! You've earned it!" joe said.

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most." Meredith said, turning to face Leilani and Cristina once she has sat down.

"I'll win. I always win." She added.

"No, you don't want to play with me." Cristina said.

"Oh, i do. I'll even go first. Dereks married." Meredith said.

George spat his drink out.

"George, beer is dripping from your nostrils." Cristina said in disgust.

"Told you i'd win." Meredith said as George went to clean himself up.

"No, you don't win." Cristina shook her head.

"Did you hear me? I said derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, lair married. Nothing you could say could top that." Meredith said.

"I'm pregnant." Cristina admitted.

Meredith and Leilani slowly looked over at her as she stared ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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