Chapter 4

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part 4

A month passed, and Ben threw himself into his work, determined to forget about Miranda and the strange, unsettling feelings she had stirred within him. The club was running smoothly, and the mayor was no longer breathing down their necks thanks to a hefty bribe that the Warrens had happily provided.

Life had returned to normal. Or, at least, what passed for normal in the Warren family. Business was booming, and Brandon and Penny were busy with their own affairs, too busy to pester Ben about Miranda anymore.

Ben fought a losing battle against his own heart and mind. Every waking moment was a struggle to push Miranda out of his thoughts. But the more he tried to forget her, the more her image burned itself into his mind. Her laugh, her scent, the way her skin felt under his touch.

He knew this couldn't continue. He was a vampire, and she was human. It was forbidden, dangerous, and downright stupid to pursue anything with her. But he couldn't stop thinking about her. He wanted to see her again, to hear her voice, to feel her warmth against him.

The Warrens settled back into their usual routines. Business was running smoothly, and the family was back in their respective roles. Brandon handled the club's finances, Penny oversaw the staff, and Ben took care of security and entertainment, preferring to keep a distance from his siblings.

Days passed in a comfortable rhythm, each member of the family occupying themselves with their respective tasks. Ben would often go out on patrol, keeping an eye on the club's patrons and ensuring that there was no trouble. He would then retreat to his quarters, spending the rest of his time alone, brooding and wrestling with his feelings for Miranda.

Ben was sitting at his desk, deep in thought as he tapped away at his laptop. Kane, his best friend and confidant, stepped into the office, his presence announced by the sound of his heavy footsteps.

"Well, well, look who's slaving away at the grindstone," Kane said, his voice heavy with sarcasm. "What's got you so focused, Ben? Planning a hostile takeover or something?"

Ben glanced up, a smirk on his lips. "Just looking into some new business opportunities," he replied, leaning back in his chair.

Kane snorted, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, 'business opportunities.' Like always. You're such a slave to capitalism, Ben." The two men shared a laugh, and Kane strode forward, pulling Ben into a quick, brotherly embrace.

Ben returned the hug, a genuine smile on his lips. "Well, someone's gotta keep this family afloat. And what about you, Kane? How are the werewolves doing?"

Kane grinned, the corners of his mouth twitching mischievously. "Oh, they're just peachy.

The two friends fell into their usual banter, reminiscing about the past and sharing the latest developments in their lives. It was clear that they had a deep bond, forged over many years of friendship.

"You know, it's still hard to believe that we met when you were just a scrawny little runt stuck in a human trap," Kane said with a laugh, jabbing a thumb at Ben. "And now look at you, all grown up and running the show."

Ben rolled his eyes, but there was a fondness in his expression."Yeah, well, you weren't exactly a poster child for a werewolf back then either," Ben shot back, chuckling. "I remember you were so scared of turning, you thought you'd accidentally eat your own foot or something."

Kane laughed heartily, shaking his head. "Hey, I was just a kid, cut me some slack! Besides, you weren't exactly Mr. Smooth yourself. Remember that time you tried to turn into a bat and ended up as a flying rat?" they busted out in laughter.

The laughter died down, and Ben turned to Kane, his expression growing serious. "You know, it's crazy how fast time flies. We used to think we were so cool, just the two of us against the world. But now, we're old. And with age comes more problems. And when matters of the heart are involved, it just gets even more complicated, doesn't it?"

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