Chapter 3

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part 3

Ben was a vampire used to being in control, his needs and desires always in check. But something about Miranda had him feeling off balance, his usual cool exterior cracking at the seams.

He couldn't stop watching her on the dance floor, the way she moved like liquid fire, owning the space around her. His eyes followed her curves, the way her body curved and twisted to the music, his fangs aching to taste her.

He didn't understand it, but he felt a primal need to claim her, to make her his.

Ben's grip on his glass tightened, his anger rising with every man who approached Miranda. He watched as they crowded around her like moths to a flame, their desire palpable, their hands reaching for her.

Miranda laughed, batting away the advances, her smile never wavering. But Ben saw the way her eyes kept flickering back to him, the way her movements seemed to be more for his benefit than theirs.

His own desire flared, his eyes glowing red in the dim light. He knew he should be out hunting with Penny and Brandon, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from Miranda.

As the night wore on, Miranda became a beacon in the crowd, her movements hypnotic and alluring. The other dancers seemed to fade into the background, leaving only her in Ben's vision.

The sound of her laughter was like a lure, drawing him in despite his better judgment. He found himself edging closer to the dance floor, his eyes locked on her, his fangs growing longer by the minute.

Penny and Brandon were nowhere to be seen, lost in their own hunt, but Ben didn't care.

Ben's hand reached out, his fingers wrapping around Miranda's wrist and pulling her towards him. She stumbled slightly, her eyes widening in surprise, but Ben didn't give her a chance to object.

"What the..." she started, but her words were cut off as Ben pulled her close, his body flush against hers, the heat of her skin nearly overwhelming.

He spun her around, guiding her with his touch, his fingers tightening around her waist. She melted into his arms, her body moving in perfect sync with his, her breath coming out in short gasps.

As they danced, Ben realized that Miranda was just as intoxicated as her friends had been. Her eyes were glassy, her movements slightly off-kilter. The scent of alcohol mingled with her blood, creating a heady mix that made Ben's fangs ache with hunger.

He knew he should stop, knew he should pull away, but the feel of her against him was too intoxicating, too powerful. Instead, he pulled her even closer, his hands roaming over her body, his lips whispering against her ear.

"I'm going to take you home, Miranda".Miranda shivered against him, her breath quickening. "Home?" she whispered, her voice breathy and soft. "But we're just starting to have fun..."

Ben growled low in his throat, his fangs grazing her neck, eliciting a whimper from her. "We'll have more fun than you can imagine. Trust me."

He led her off the dance floor, his hand possessive on her waist, his eyes daring anyone to object. The crowd parted for them, whispers and murmurs following in their wake.

Miranda stumbled slightly, her eyes darting towards the dance floor. "My friends," she slurred. "We came together, I don't want to just leave them."

Ben pulled her closer, his voice low and commanding. "Don't worry about them. I'll take care of it." He motioned to the guards at the door, sliding them a wad of cash with a nod towards Callie and Arizona. "See that they get home safe, understood?"

The guards nodded, their eyes meeting his in understanding. Ben led Miranda to his car, opening the door and gently easing her into the seat. She was already half-asleep, her head lolling to the side, her breathing slow and even.

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