chapter 9

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part 9

As the sun filtered through the curtains of Miranda's bedroom, she awoke to the sound of Tamia's excited voice.

"Mommy! Mommy, wake up!" Tamia exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed like a little bundle of energy. "Daddy's coming today! Are we going to do something fun?"

Miranda chuckled, her heart overflowing with affection for her daughter's infectious excitement. "Good morning, sweetheart," she said, her voice still tinged with sleepiness. " honey mommy has to go to work and you will stay with aunt Stacy. "

Tamia's expression fell, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout. "But I want to see Daddy," she protested, her voice small and pleading.

Miranda sighed, her heart aching at the thought of disappointing Tamia. "I'm sorry, honey," she said, reaching out to stroke Tamia's hair. "Mommy has to go to work today, but I promise we'll see Daddy soon. And Aunt Stacy will take care of you."

Tamia sniffled, her lower lip trembling as she nodded her head in reluctant acceptance.

As Miranda and Tamia sat down for breakfast, Tamia's mood gradually began to lift. "Can I have chocolate milk today?" she asked, her eyes brightening as she looked up at her mother.

Miranda smiled, her heart warming at her daughter's sudden shift in demeanor. "Yes, you can have chocolate milk today," she said, pouring Tamia a tall glass. "And I'll even let you have an extra cookie if you finish all your breakfast."

Tamia giggled, her spoon digging into her cereal with newfound enthusiasm.

As Miranda and Tamia were finishing up their breakfast, the doorbell rang, and Miranda went to answer it, finding her sister Stacy on the doorstep.

"Good morning, sis," Stacy said, her eyebrows raising as she took in Tamia's Frozen-themed outfit and the array of Elsa and Anna dolls on the table. "Looks like someone's had a bit of a splurge."

Tamia beamed, her eyes sparkling as she jumped up from the table. "Aunt Stacy! Daddy got me these," she said proudly, holding up her Elsa doll for Stacy to admire.

Stacy's face registered surprise at Tamia's choice of words, her gaze shifting to Miranda for explanation. "Daddy?" she repeated, a hint of teasing in her tone. "Tamia, honey I think you mean Ben. Miranda Am glad mom said she's passing by the stores and didn't hear that. She will go mad."

Tamia's smile wavered, her eyes darting between her mother and aunt. "But he is my daddy," she insisted, her voice small but determined.

Miranda bit her lip, unsure of how to explain the situation without causing Tamia further confusion.

Stacy chuckled, deciding to go along with Tamia's newfound terminology. "Alright, Daddy it is then," she said, ruffling Tamia's hair as she followed her to her room. "So, let's see what else Daddy got for his little princess."

Tamia's face lit up once more as she guided her aunt through the Frozen-themed wonders of her room. "Look, Aunt Stacy, he got me this play set, and these dresses, and these dolls, and..." she exclaimed, her words tumbling over each other as she gestured to the various toys and gifts that Ben had brought.

Miranda turned to Tamia, her expression full of maternal concern. "Listen, honey, I want you to be good for Aunt Stacy, okay?" she said, leaning down to kiss Tamia on the forehead. "No tantrums, no arguments, and don't forget to clean up your toys when you're done playing."

Tamia nodded, her eyes serious as she absorbed her mother's instructions. "I'll be good," she promised, giving Miranda a quick hug before skipping back to her room.

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