Chapter 7

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part 7

The sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow across the living room. Miranda sat on the couch, her legs tucked under her, her thoughts filled with anticipation. Today was the day she and Ben were going to have their first date.

As she glanced at her phone, a small smile played on her lips. Just one more hour, she thought, butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

Tamia, her daughter, walked into the room, her eyes wide with excitement. “Mom, when are we going to Aunt Callie?” she asked, her voice full of energy.

Miranda smiled, her heart full of love. “Soon, sweetheart,” she said, reaching out to touch her daughter’s dark curls. “Aunt Callie is coming to pick you up in a little while. And then mommy has a date with Ben.”

Tamia’s eyes lit up, her little voice full of curiosity. “What’s a date?” she asked, her eyes wide and innocent.

Miranda laughed, her heart light with joy. She smiled, her gaze full of affection. “A date is when two people who like each other go out together and spend time together,” she explained, her voice gentle. “They might go to a movie, or out to eat, or just walk and talk. It’s a way for two people to get to know each other better.”

Tamia nodded, her eyes still wide with fascination. “Do you and Ben like each other?” she asked, her voice full of excitement.

Miranda blushed, her smile growing. She nodded, her cheeks still pink. “We do, sweetheart,” she said, her voice soft and warm. “Ben is a really nice man, and I like spending time with him.”

Tamia giggled, her little hands clasped together. “Maybe he’ll be my new daddy,” she said, her voice full of hope. “I would like that.”

Miranda’s smile faltered, a wave of emotion washing over her. “Sweetheart,” she began, her voice gentle and thoughtful.

“Sweetheart,” Miranda said, her voice quiet and sincere. “I don’t know if Ben will be your new daddy. But I do know that he cares about you and me both very much. And that’s a very special thing.”

Tamia nodded, her gaze still full of hope. “I like Ben,” she said, her voice small but determined. “I think he’d be a good daddy.”

Miranda’s heart swelled with love, her voice a whisper of awe.

“I think Ben is a very good man,” Miranda said, her voice soft and filled with emotion. “And I’m glad you like him too.”

Tamia smiled, her dark eyes shining. “Can I tell him I want him to be my daddy?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity.

Miranda laughed, her heart full of tenderness. “I think we can wait for that,” she said, her eyes dancing with amusement. “For now, how about we get you ready for Aunt Callie?”

Tamia’s eyes were full of excitement, her little voice bubbling over with anticipation. “Okay, mommy,” she said, her grin mischievous. “Ben’s gonna be my new daddy. He’s gonna push me on the swing and buy me lots of ice cream. Ohh, maybe new toys! Stuffed animals and a lot of food!”

Miranda laughed, her heart full of warmth. “Slow down there, sweetheart,” she said, her voice gentle and teasing.

“We’ll see about that,” Miranda said, her eyes still twinkling with laughter. “But for now, let’s get you ready for Aunt Callie. I bet she’ll have something special planned for you.”

Tamia’s excitement only grew, her little hands clasping together. “Ice cream and a movie and pizza and maybe cake too?” she asked, her voice rising with enthusiasm.

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