chapter 10

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part 10

Miranda's voice was a mix of moans and screams, her face buried deep in the mattress as Ben gripped her hips, his thrusts relentless as he drove into her from behind.

"Ohh my god, Ben!" she cried out, her nails digging into the sheets as her legs trembled with pleasure.

Ben groaned, his hips bucking as he drove deeper and deeper into her. "That's it, baby," he growled, his voice rough with lust as he guided her hips back against him. "Take all of me."

Ben's hands caressed Miranda's body, his fingers tracing over her curves as he leaned down to press kisses against the back of her neck.

Miranda arched her back, her body shivering as his lips grazed against her sensitive skin. "You feel so good," she gasped, her moans increasing in intensity as Ben continued to drive into her.

"That's right," Ben murmured, his breathing ragged as he picked up his pace. "You're mine, Miranda. Only mine."

Miranda's moans increased in volume, her head thrown back as Ben tugged on her hair, his grip firm and unrelenting as he pulled her head up.

Ben's eyes were fierce with desire as he held Miranda's gaze, his breath hot against her skin as he drove deeper into her. "Say it again," he growled, his voice low and dangerous as he maintained his relentless rhythm. "Whose are you?"

"I'm yours, Ben," Miranda cried out, her voice breathless and needy as she arched against him. "I'm all yours."

Six months had flown by in a whirlwind of passion, affection, and happiness. Miranda had never imagined that falling in love with Ben would bring such joy and contentment to her life.

Ben was everything she could have hoped for in a partner. He supported her every decision, cheering her on as she pursued her dreams, and always made her feel cherished and respected. Their relationship was a perfect balance of tenderness and fiery passion, and Miranda couldn't imagine a life without him.

Ben had become an integral part of not just Miranda's life, but also her daughter Tamia's. The little girl had taken a liking to Ben and looked forward to spending time with him whenever she could.

So, when Ben missed Tamia's fifth birthday due to a work emergency, he made sure to make it up to her. He surprised Tamia with a trip to Disneyland, spending the entire day together, riding rollercoasters, meeting characters, and enjoying ice cream sundaes.

Their special day at Disneyland was filled with laughter and joy as they shared in the magic of the theme park. Tamia clung to Ben's hand, her eyes wide with wonder as they watched the fireworks display together, the bright lights sparkling in the night sky.

"Ben, can I call you Daddy?" Tamia asked, her voice soft and hesitant as she gazed up at him.

Ben's heart melted at her words, his eyes tearing up as he smiled down at her. "You can call me whatever you want, Tamia," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

For the rest of the night, Tamia beamed with happiness, giggling as Ben called her "princess" and treated her to all her favorite rides and attractions.

By the time they returned home, Tamia was exhausted but still buzzing with excitement. She climbed into bed, snuggling under the covers as Ben tucked her in.

"I love you, Daddy," she whispered, her eyes fluttering shut as she drifted off to sleep.

Ben pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, his heart swelling with love as he whispered back, "I love you too, my little princess."

From then on, Ben became a fixture at the daycare center, arriving every morning to pick up Tamia and drop her off after school. The teachers and staff adored him, often commenting on what a great "Daddy" he was to Tamia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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