Chapter 6

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part 6

The sunlight filtering through the heavy curtains was a soft, warm glow on Ben's face as he stirred from sleep, his eyes fluttering open. His head throbbed, and his arm ached, but the pain was distant, dulled by some unknown force.

Voices, low and insistent, drifted to his ears. "The healing is progressing well. The fracture was severe, but the ancient blood has worked its magic."

Ben turned, his eyes landing on the family's trusted vampire physician, Dr. Griswold.

The doctor smiled down at him, a kindly, paternal expression on his face.

"Ah, Ben, you're awake," he said, his voice calm and reassuring. "You gave us quite a scare, young man. The fracture in your arm was severe, but the ancient blood has done its work. Your bones are mending. You will need to keep the arm in a sling for a few weeks while it heals completely, but you will make a full recovery."

Ben's eyes drifted to his arm, still wrapped in the sling.

Dr. Griswold's eyes followed Ben's gaze, his expression turning serious. "I won't lie to you, young man. It will take time for the pain to completely subside. It is the nature of injuries such as this. But I can give you a potion to ease the discomfort and help you sleep."

He turned to Penny and Brandon, who were standing nearby, worry etched on their faces.

"Your brother will be fine."

Dr. Griswold patted Ben's shoulder gently, his eyes warm with affection. "But do not underestimate the importance of rest, Ben. The ancient blood is powerful, but it needs time to work."

Penny stepped forward, her voice soft and contrite. "I'm so sorry, Ben. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Ben's lips curled into a faint smile, his eyes bright with understanding. "I know you didn't, Penny. You were only trying to help, and I appreciate that. Thank you both, you and Brandon. You saved me."

Brandon's shoulders relaxed, relief washing over him. "You know we'd do anything for you, Ben. You're our brother."

Ben's smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know you would, and I'd do the same for you both. We're family. We protect each other."

Dr. Griswold nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. You have a strong family bond. It will see you through many trials."

Penny and Brandon exchanged glances, their love for Ben evident in their faces.

As the siblings made their way through their daily routine, the tension in the air was palpable. Their mother avoided their father's gaze, her shoulders hunched in resignation. And their father, his expression cold and distant, seemed to have withdrawn into himself.

Penny and Brandon exchanged worried glances, their concern growing by the moment. They knew their father, his fierce love and protectiveness of his family. He would have moved mountains to keep them safe, to keep them from harm.

"I think they had a fight," Penny whispered to Brandon.

Brandon sighed, his voice heavy with resignation. "I know, Penny. I knew it would happen. Father doesn't take kindly to us being put in danger, especially not for humans. And Mother..." He trailed off, shaking his head. "She meant well, but she didn't know what we were facing."

Penny's eyes were clouded with worry. "Do you think he'll forgive her? I don't want them to fight like this. It's not good for any of us."

Ben's voice was confident, tinged with humor. "They'll be fine, trust me. Those two love each other too much. They always fight and fix their business with high sex." He paused, a mischievous grin curling his lips. "That's why I moved out. The walls in this house are thin, you know."

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